[POLL] which improvements would you like to see most in vcv?

I think an integrated user preset/patch browser was already mentioned, I’ll mention again. One where we can quickly flip through our patches.

Hopefully they read this, and take into consideration.

Edit: I don’t know why I keep missing the “smart rearrangement” option.

With the option (or default?) to ignore any “Bypassed” modules parked out in the suburbs.

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OK file handling / general system stuff. Small things, but it would fit how other programs work.

  • Double click on a VCV file to open it in VCV Rack
  • A ‘Hide VCV Rack’ option in the File Menu
  • Menus auto open when you hover over them, auto closing the one you just left

Implementation will be different depending on the OS but it shouldn’t be hard.

double-clicking a .vcv file works like a charm (and has for quite some time) for me on my M1 Mac

What do you mean by “Hide VCV Rack” in the File menu? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything similar in other software (other than the normal “minimize” button, which Rack has). Once you’ve hidden it, how would you un-hide it?

The only time I’ve seen menus auto-open on hover is in a web app. Maybe this is a Mac thing? It’s something I would probably turn off unless it’s on a healthy delay.

With show from the menu is the unhelpful answer

But the real answer is that question is Mac centric. On Mac the menu bar belongs to the os window manager not the application window. Most well formed macOS apps have an application menu with preferences hide etc. vcv rack has the application menu empty probably because the startup path isn’t really a traditional cocoa app startup path (from remembering but not reading the code)

(Of course the full rack menu has to stay in rack since it’s nanovg draws not menus.)

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Thanks! That’s helpful. As you can probably tell, I really haven’t used a Mac since the Macintosh SE (which can be argued isn’t a Mac at all) :wink:

Yup I remember you saying that elsewhere in the forum which is why I chimed in!


You can do that with VCV Pro in a DAW.


This might just be me, but I think it would be great to have user defined categories for our favorite modules rather that one big lump. Ableton does this and we can assign to custom categories, like tagging them. I know we can drill down in the filters but sometimes it would be nice to have custom groupings. For example modules we might use together frequently but are not the same type of module. BTW is there a way to select more than one module to load rather than one at a time? Like holding down a modifier key? Thanks!


Only one module at a time from the library. But if you have a collection of modules in a patch that you want to be able to insert into other patches on demand, then highlight the collection, right mouse click on the selection, and save as a selection set. Then from the main menu you can import selection

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Something Else’s:

  1. Improved Library search function, filter by compatible with VCV version, OS, ratings, and basic clean up of search functionality. - requested because many modules come up as being able to be added but never show in current version. Also some modules appear to be of lower build quality than other so it would be nice to have ratings or at least comments / documentation for each module. I don’t wan’t 1000000 modules I would rather have a few hundred that pass some sort of QC or a way to filter those vs ones that are more like beta’s.

  2. SNAPSHOTS within sets, it would be great to be able to have a VCV snapshot module that stored settings, cables… within a set so you can easily save song / patch changes - ex. in Max we use a pattr storage module to save params and can easily morph between snapshots.

Checkout the Stoermelder collection. It doesn’t help with saving cable routing in snapshots, but is exceptional with everything else.

TRANSIT: Works with parameters (visible controls) only. Map to any number of parameters across any number of modules. Save/recall as many 12 snapshots, or up to 96 with expanders. Has many options for selection, and morphing capability.

8FACE Mark 2: Works with module presets, so can save and restore hidden menu options as well as parameters. Map to any number of modules. Save/recall as many as 8 presets, or up to 64 with expanders. Many options for preset selection, but no morphing.


@DaveVenom Hi Dave thanks for the recommendation, I looked at that but thought it was only able to capture a few dif parameters, now I just checked again and realized I was wrong. Will try it out tonight. I do think though that a very top level option would be great but maybe I’m just not used to vcv yet.

Probably the post I relate the most to, the setup guide is great and helped me a lot at the beggining (setuping an development environment can be quite tricky when you barely know how to use a terminal), more of this especially for the UI would be of great help !

this might sound odd, but a module that allows you to enter a cusom URL and when you click on it takes to whatever internet document you need. I made a patch which refers to my tutorial blog and kept thinking it would be so useful to just clcik on a link when you have VCV full screen

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Good idea! This should an easy module to make. I’ve opened an issue for one of my plugins to make it. No idea when I’d get to it, as I’m deep in another plugin, but it’s on my radar.

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That could present a bit of a security risk couldn’t it?

Good point. Really no more a risk than any other URL shared through any other means.

There’s probably a number of ways that a patch or non-library plugin could be used for an attack. To my knowledge, there is no signing or verification of code loaded by Rack. Rack itself isn’t signed and I have to bypass the checks that my OS makes when I download an update. So, the whole ecosystem isn’t particularly secure. Not that signing means all that much, other than a means of having some assurance of the origin of the code and detection of tampering.

I’m sure I saw somewhere that the URLs presented in the context menus for developer and manual links are vetted by VCV. Maybe I imagined that… Either way, a link presented in a patch that is downloaded from the internet could come from anywhere and point to anywhere. Just something I think people would need to be aware of.