[POLL] which improvements would you like to see most in vcv?

Little request - custom location for user folder in settings.

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You have a chicken and egg problem there because settings are stored in the user folder.

To change the user folder, you have to do it on the Rack command line or set an environment variable. See Installing & Running - VCV Rack Manual

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Wouldnā€™t ASAN find a double delete?

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Thanks, did not knew. (However would be useful to implement this option thru program` UI)

I really disagree with this ideaā€¦ First if you donā€™t want / canā€™t pay, there is the free version. Honestly it comes down to what you do with it but the free one is absolutely incredible! (I have the ā€œproā€ one and almost never touch itā€¦ and use the free one daily)

Also I donā€™t think that selling it a lot cheaper would translate into a lot more sales, this is niche in the middle of a niche. There is way more out there / complicated (think Pure Data, Csound, supercolliderā€¦), but still it is far from what most people making electronic music useā€¦


Your point of view is legitimate

better clock syncing with other gear. (if even possible)


The video capture facility is fantastic and if we could have more settings that would make it even more useful. As it is it produces a high resolution high frame rate video for uncompressed audio and we only get 16 bits uncompressed audio. This means gigabyte sized video files and it takes its toll on the bandwidth impaired and the result might not fit when burning an archive DVD. Matroska (mkv) gives you the option of reducing the frame rate and video quality whilst keeping the audio uncompressed up to 32 bit.

Using OBS is a bit fiddly and most times there is not need to edit the video file. Recorder on the off then upload to youtube is my ideal workflow, vcvrack is so good looking that having something to look and when listening to the finished song is a bonus that is easy to retain with the Recorder module.

Ffmpeg and other free utilities will transcode easily.

I did not think of that even though I use ffmpeg to extract the uncompressed audio so that i have an ā€œaudio masterā€ Funny how one can miss the obvious, thanks!

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At one time, I submitted a feature request for VCV recorder, asking for Nvidia accelerated encoding to be added. It was received, but they didnā€™t want to go that way. I donā€™t record much, but the ā€œWin-Gā€ microsoft ā€œgame barā€ Recorder was OK.

I would like to see a VCV Host module that can load CLAP plugins. :notes:


Hi Dave, Thanks. That makes sense and I might do that for chains that repeat themselves often. Itā€™s not exactly what I was thinking. Rather having User defined categories. Some modules could be put in several categories but the in the library are only in one. And maybe not where the user might be thinking. For example the ā€œProcessā€ module from VCV, it does so many things that unless you remember its name or its category, it has to be searched for. Not a big deal, but searching for a module can interrupt work flow.

For me the most common and most annoying thing is when pulling out my headphone cable by mistake VCV Rack goes numb. :frowning:


This is probably more an OS issue and not VCV. On Mac, accidentally pulling out the headphones disconnects the audio, making an app crash (also any DAW) My workaround for this is using a virtual audiopath; I use Loopback by Rogue Amoeba for instance. If I accidentally pull out the headphones, the audiopath stays intact and the software stays stable.

This also allows me to set multiple monitorings in parallel and I can switch easily inbetween all


Itā€™s more of a niche (virtual modular synths) inside a niche (modular synths) inside a niche (electronic music/synths) inside a niche (making music) :slight_smile:

Sales figures are always gonna be somewhat limited by that.


Rack uses the rtaudio library which doesnā€™t detect the removal of devices and pass that to the application to handle (as far as I know). Same issue with MIDI/rtmidi.

I donā€™t know about Linux, but Mac and Windows both have APIs for an app to watch for device add/remove. I imagine that Linux has something similar. So, itā€™s possible to do better than die or freeze when devices change.

I suggest opening a bug.

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Register an error callback and you will get a device disconnected error on disconnect in rtaudio, fyi. I donā€™t know if rack does this. api


Good info! That would make it much easier for Rack to fix these issues rather than depend on updates from its rtaudio dependency. Iā€™ve been wrestling mostly on the MIDI (rtmidi) side, which is very similar to the rtaudio. Rack is a version behind for rtmidi.

If you have a repro for rack crashing or hanging after device removal, please do open a bug.

So I looked at the Rack source to check and:

The error callback registered by Rack simply calls WARN to log a warning. It doesnā€™t do any handling of errors.

Hereā€™s what Rack does:

		rtAudio = new RtAudio(api, [](RtAudioErrorType type, const std::string& errorText) {
			WARN("RtAudio error %d: %s", type, errorText.c_str());

From a quick scan of the Rack source, it looks like errors in other of the audio methods (rtaudio throws exceptions) are generally caught and ignored. Only during init and destruction are errors handled, and there, all that is done is to log a message.


Thanks for the responses. I decided to report it as ā€œheadphone cable bugā€ to VCV Support.

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