plugins that are questionable whether there will be V2 updates

Anyone heard anything about ZZC? - Interesting phase clocks and the commercial Phasesque sequencer


Have bought Phasesque sequencer couple of months ago, but no news at the moment. Wait and see… This sequencer is excellent!

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Yeah forgot about ZZC, the clock and expanders are in every patch of mine.


Alright devices ?

They will be ported according to Tyler from Alright devices


Good to know ! Cheers.

Hi all, Im the original developer of the Studio 6 + 1 modules.

I have started the v2 upgrade but have issues on Mac, I have had these for a while hence I stopped development. I do not nor intend to have access to a Mac. @pgatt has kindly just tried to build my latest attempt but these do not run.

I am not sure if anyone uses them, but if someone would like to complete the upgrade I would be happy to transfer ownership of the github repo / give access, whatever is wanted or needed really. I can provide more details on the current state of the port.

It marks the end of an era for me, but in open source spirit, they are free to be adopted. My apologies to those that used them.


If you want someone to do this you need to give them permission to use your brand. Transferring the repo should do that, however. But if someone clones your repo and wants to submit to the library they will need your permission.

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Your modules are ace - particularly Iverson and Wallenda. I certainly use them and hope someone picks them up and continues development.


@Curlymorphic I really like and use your modules,
and I hope that someone will jump in and update them.

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To clarify, I am happy for the brand name to be used or changed, inform the VCV build team, Andrew, make a statement here or github, really whatever is wanted or needed. They currently live on a separate github account to my personal stuff, I’m not sure if that can be transferred, but if it can I would be happy to do so.

@steve @rsmus7 thank you for the kind words, it really means alot.


I use them, I particularly like Wallenda, it works better for me than any of the other Karplus-Strong-like options. Thank you for your efforts!


Dang, I picked up an APC mini for use with Iverson Jr. I have a Mac Mini M1 over here from work, I’ll see if I can get these working on there.

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Oh no, I’m really sorry to hear that but thank you for making them and being so receptive to feedback.

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If anyone else wants to take a shot at this one go for it, turns out it’ll be a few days until I can get back into the Mac. It’s been so long I’ve got a lenghty password reset process to get through lol. It’s working good in Linuxland though.

I use two modules in every patch: the 16 channel 4 groups mixer and the 5 x 32 trigger sequencer. Both are from mscHACK. So far mscHACK modules didn’t make it to the positive list. So I’m guessing, they might not get ported to VCV v2. Anyone who knows details about their porting status?

I’ve ported the Dronez, Alienz, Windz, and Morze modules with minimal edits. I’ll take a swing at the mixer and sequencer, will let you know how I fare.



The mixer and sequencer built with minimal changes to the code. I loaded them from the browser, they look fine but I haven’t tested them at all. What OS are you using ?

Do you have a Mac build?

Only Linux here. My apologies, I should have made that clear. I’m doing the ports for personal use, but the codebase is freely available and the build for v2 requires only basic changes.