I was about to create a “why isn’t this working?” post regarding my unsuccessful attempt to achieve this effect. Your solution was much better than mine, so thanks (all these months later)! It does appear that your example no longer works in V2 - not just because of the missing stoermelder modules, but it also seems that the VCV Delay doesn’t work quite the same as it did (?). In fact, it would appear that there’s a lot of variability in how delay modules interpret CV to their feedback params. With a little experimentation, the principle you demonstrated can still be applied to at least some of them though, & that’s what I was after today.
Thanks @augment . Yes, I suppose I should update these patches sometime for V2. If its the “constantly moving delay” patch you are referring to, the idea is pretty simple, just 2 delays (one left one right) with the same delay time but different feedback settings. The rest of the patch is just for automating the feedback amounts with one knob. I haven’t used the V2 delay much yet, so don’t know if its much different. Besides the fact that it can now be synced. Which is great.
Here is an early Nine Inch Nails inspired intro.
A work in progress that probably wont progress. But I’ll share it anyway.
Risset Rhythm
So I think I have kind of figured out a way to create a Risset Rhythm in VCV:
R2_38_Rissett1.vcv (5.5 KB)
So how does it work?
The first CLKD creates the initial BPM (I don’t know if this works, I haven’t played around with it, its set to 120). The BPM CV is sent to a sawtooth LFO and attenuated with a LOG2 function (this was the trick), and gradually changes the BPM of the second CLKD, 0 to 1V (one octave). The 3 subdivisions of the clock is switched using 3 sequential switches.
So you get 3 tracks, increasing in tempo, but in phase with one another.
The volume LFOs work the same way but simpler. I think that rather using a Bernouli Gate instead of volume could give some interesting results.
If you want the tempo to decrease instead of increase, you would need to invert the Time LFO.
Please let me know if there are any issues with the patch. I would love to know if anyone has some suggestions to improve it.
Have fun
I started watching some of your posts early on, but then lost track. Lots of cool/sophisticated ideas mixed with some nice music. I need to follow more closely.
Hopefully I will get a chance and remember to explore some of your rhythmic ideas. My problem is my brain already feels constipated - too much to explore in this world of VCV!
Thank you Dave. That means alot to me.
Hello, like it, is the patch available to use on Patch storage or on here? Thanks, much appreciated
Hi Ady. You can download the patch above. It’s under the Video.
Ady was referring to the NIN inspired video. I would like to have that patch as well.
Even better, I would love to have the “Acoustic” patch for the guitar/bass piece. I’d like to pair it with some flute!
Ok cool, that will be great. I will have to dig through a bunch of old patches to find them, but they should be here somewhere.
Do you perhaps know which is the best way to share a patch that uses audio samples? Surely they aren’t saved with the patch?
I have yet to work with samples, so I really don’t know. I have seen other patches where they publish the samples separately from the patch, so I think you are correct, it does not typically travel with the patch.
On Patchstorage you can put the sample in a WinZip file with the patch. Omri does it a lot. Thanks.
Thanks Ady,
Its the first time I’m using Patchstorage, so I hope the link works:
So you will need to load the included drum sample into the sampler, if its not already there.
For the patch to work, you just need to press the buttons on the pulses module in the top left corner to allow the individual instruments to play. They will each come in on the following bar thanks to the trigger buffer. So everything should come in on time.
Some notes about this patch though, its simply part of a much larger piece I’m working on. The drums are a quick mockup I wrote in different software to get the groove, I needed to record the Moog type bass from VCV, It sounded cool so I shared it. Maybe one day I will actually finish the song and upload it.
@DaveVenom here is the Acoustic patch:
Acoustic Sequence01.vcv (8.1 KB)
I deleted all the automation because it took up half the patch and was a mess (plus I couldn’t figure out how I patched it). So its just a loop now, a long loop.
Just unmute the mixer and hit run on CLKD. All the sequencers should be in time, if it sounds off just hit reset and wait a while, the right guitar sound is the left guitar delayed by 10 seconds or so, so just give it time to adjust.
Anyway, thanks so much for the interest. Hope you enjoy them.
Besides the music itself - I was really curious how on earth that automation was working - watching the video, it didn’t make any sense. Now I don’t feel so bad.
I will probably work on adding my own automation so it can play unattended while I play flute.
Thanks for posting these.
Great. Sorry about that. Sometime when I’m working on a patch I’m in the zone and know what everything is doing, and then I open it up again and I’m like. . . WTF?. Anyway, I just used impromptu sequencers to trigger events. But resetting it all is a bugger. Thanks Dave. I would love to hear what you come up with.
Thank you so much. How many patches will there be to complete the song? I’ll see what NIN inspired material I can get out of it.
Love it nice use of well-chosen samples and phtat bass and then the stab/echo …
Thanks Screenslave. You’ve just made my day.