My take on Acoustic Sequence #1 is now available at Dave Venom music and patches - Passing a Gray Day Away, and Acoustic Sequence #1 - #72 by DaveVenom.
I’ve really enjoyed working with your patch/composition.
My take on Acoustic Sequence #1 is now available at Dave Venom music and patches - Passing a Gray Day Away, and Acoustic Sequence #1 - #72 by DaveVenom.
I’ve really enjoyed working with your patch/composition.
Fun with Quantizers
So I was inspired by this post:
to try to create a patch that restricts chords to a certain range. This is as minimal as I can get it:
So this keeps your chords within a one octave range, so if a note goes above the range, it drops it per octave until it is in range. And if it goes below the range, it raises it. You can set the range low cut using the bogaudio REFTONE module. The range high cut is an octave above this. Playing with this can give some interesting variations to your chords.
Here’s the selection file: Voice Leading3.vcvs (13.0 KB)
Thanks to @chaircrusher and @k-chaffin for the inspiration. Its an easy way to quickly add chords within a defined range to your patch. Just replace the TWELVEKEY module with any sequencer providing the root notes. Here is an example:
(Edit. Ignore all of the above. This is exactly what Orange line Fence does. What a great module )
Another nice trick I learned is this:
In the context menu of VCV QNT there is a plethora of scales available. But these are all in the key of C. Instead of transposing it after the quantizer, (which will transpose your root notes) , you can use this approach and no notes will be transposed except obviously the ones that need to fit into the scale. (This is actually what modes are.) Set your key with REFTONE and your scale with QNT.
Here’s the selection file Quant1.vcvs (3.6 KB)
And here’s an example switching between A minor and F minor with the sequences mainly in C.
Have fun.
Very nice
Every now and then you throw together a patch, which is not meant to be anything spectacular, but then you just cant get enough of it.
This is one of those:
The Abyss.vcv (9.1 KB)
Yeah, those are the best. I see you’ve discovered the joys of XFX Wave. Very cool patch, digging it.
Thanks, yes XFX wave is instant satisfaction.
The chord sweeps
Nice! Love the bass coming in at 2:15. Has a bit of a John Carpenter vibe which is always nice. Good one!
Thanks Lars
Another unending Eno-scape.
Just for fun,
here’s the patch:
Enos2.vcv (7.3 KB)
I am really impressed with Count Modulas Polyphonic modules, they use almost no CPU regardless of the amount of channels you use.
I really like this one (Something new…). Especially the 5 and 7 over 4 or whatever is going on. And the effective noisy beat. Could you share the patch file so I can have a look around.
patch is linked right above the tube link
I probably wasn’t clear. I was talking about “Horizons”. On my end there is no link above or below the youtube video.
Hey @soundismovement . Thanks, I really appreciate it. I’ve been meaning to upload the patch, but I just wanted to refine it a bit. I got stuck on other stuff now(as always), so it will have to do, as is . I’m just at work now, so I will only be able to upload it in about 9 hours time.
Thanks. And if you can’t find the time because of new things on the horizons, I’ll gladly take the unrefined version.
Thank you!
I just need to clarify one small point about the S&H module in case you weren’t aware - the Trigger input is monophonic but is applied across all channels that are present at the signal input. My Super S&H module is fully polyphonic.
Oh wow, I never realised that, thanks for pointing that out. This patch was more of an experiment to see which modules use the least amount of CPU, and yours won . But the super S+H used a little more CPU. This explains why. Another thing I noticed is that with your Chances module (the monophonic one), the more copies you add to a patch, the less the CPU load becomes, sometimes even running into a negative. I don’t understand this, but I’m definitely not complaining . And your poly chances rocks! Thanks for all the work you have put into these modules.
That’s really odd. I don’t understand that at all.