If you are ready for another creative exercise in VCV Rack patching, we are starting another one for September 2024 and you are invited! I’m announcing this a day early so everyone can start thinking about it.
We are a supportive community and we gather in the spirit of mutual education. This is NOT a competition. Our purpose is to challenge ourselves, not each other, to learn and practice electronic music as an art form.
The creative prompt for this month’s challenge is dream world. Create a VCV Rack patch that generates sound effects, textures, music, or other synthetic sound to evoke surrealism — the quality of being in a dreamlike state of consciousness. You might think of other ways of describing alternative realities or altered consciousness: hypnotic, hallucinatory, transcendent, the spirit world, etc. There are no theme police here! If it inspires you, go with it and submit it!
As we have done in recent challenges, the patch must fit inside the boundary markers of the template patch. Download the template patch file “dreamworld_template.vcv” below and use it as the basis for your submission.
VCV Plus One: You are allowed to use free VCV modules, plus modules from one other plugin, in each submitted patch. The other plugin must be free and available on the VCV Rack Library. No additional plugins may appear in your patch. You may pick a different plugin for each submission if you want. You may use as many modules as you want from VCV and your chosen plugin, so long as they fit inside the boundary markers. Don’t worry, the Submarine TD-202 I use for the template boundary marker does not count against you.
2.1. UPDATE 1 Sep 2024: Because certain kinds of modules (e.g. reverb) are not available across a wide variety of plugins, we will allow an optional “wildcard” module. This is a single module used one time in your patch, for example Valley Plateau for reverb, that does not belong to VCV or your chosen plugin.
Your patch must be generative: no samples, recordings, microphones, MIDI input, or other externally derived sources of audio or control signals. You may optionally perform your patch using mouse and/or keyboard, especially if you provide a video showing what you are doing. The purpose of this rule is educational: it should be feasible for others to download your patch and reproduce your results without them needing any special equipment or musical skills.
To allow everyone’s work to be seen and appreciated, please submit no more than 5 entries for this month’s challenge.
Template patch
dreamworld_template.vcv (942 Bytes)
As always, the purpose of this challenge is education. We learn by doing, and we also learn by seeing and interacting with each other’s work. Please upload each patch to PatchStorage.com and post the link here (preferred) or upload your patch file directly to this thread or to some other file hosting service.
All patches must be posted in the month of September 2024 (UTC).
The patch file is the only required part of your submission. However, videos are very much appreciated also. A YouTube video makes it easier for everyone reading this thread to experience your work. You can use the VCV Record module to record a video, then upload that video to YouTube. Then post a link to the video in your submission. Put the link on a line by itself like this to embed a nice video player:
If you don’t want to record video, you can also post an audio-only link to SoundCloud, Google Drive, etc.
Any posted video/audio recordings should be somewhere between 1 and 5 minutes in duration.
Please include the text “Dreamworld Plus One Challenge”, along with a link to this forum thread, in the title or description of any published patches, videos, or audio recordings. This helps promote the challenge for other people who might also be interested in participating.
I hope many of you participate and enjoy this exercise!