Purf patches - Intermission

Oh boy, that is really nice! Which VST’s are used? Samples?

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Thanks, guys :slight_smile: Piano is the wonderful Native Instruments’ Noire, the woodwind is (the free!) Gentle Winds.


this is VERY lovely and soothing. :heart:

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I love the arc of this piece. It really takes you on a journey.

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It’s Jamuary again, most of all a time for exploration! Like, can I get CV that’s not boring pitch into the Strega? Yes, to play it’s filter, for instance. (Also pictured, the source of my keyboard-question)


Well, that’s the best thing I’ve heard in a while!!

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For a change, a patch I will save under a filename that reminds me to play with it instead of always starting with a blank rack. A Tape Loop machine.


A bit cheeky but if you don’t ask… is the patch available to play with anywhere, here or Patch storage? The tape loop one.

Not at the desktop rn. It’s a simple setup: have a mixer that controls what goes onto the tape :slight_smile: I have a vst (piano), Microfreak’s own sound, a particle noise, a sample(r), and the tape’s output through a pitched up clouds and a signal delay back to the mixer. Tape is set to, I dunno, a few bars, 8 or 16? At the end of everything is an Xfade between the tape’s output and it’s output through Clouds, so I can smoothly end the session. Add effects to taste.

Thank you for the info, I’ll try rebuild the patch or download when you are ready. Much appreciated.

My Venom v2.6 beta has the 3 hp 5 knob controller, with independently configurable voltage range for each knob. There is a 5 button module as well with even more options. Hopefully it won’t be too long before it hits the library.


Previously, on VCV

feed set notes into ArpSeq but constrict their range to 0 and then open up.

in which I revisit this piece/patch

Étude for PPW


The thing from recently, a longer version of the Squinktronix challenge; notable features: a DIY ratcheting machine with ADDR-Seq & RGate (ratcheting very slowly here) and the dragging hihats with a slightly slower LFO and reset on every bar.

and then I spent some more time with this bouncy, offbeat modulated AD into filter cutoff and…


A quick test drive with the new Orca’s Heart (feat. Microfreak)



the one from my take on Omri’s take on a VCV recreation of the Solar 50

The one with the Biset tracker. Quite a possible gamechanger collection, those modules, but I will also have to remind myself to use them. Much like Midinous.

The one from today.


Really like that one Urs.

Bit of a roundup, since it’s been a while!

The Dreamworld Challenge I II III

And toying, once again, with the idea of two long envelopes, rising and falling at different speeds, sampled & held by two different trigger sequences, and then some.


Some lovely work here. I liked Dreamworld III in particular, really atmospheric.

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A tiny something with the 6yo’s ukulele - the thing gives me joy. I if were normal, I would have done this in Ableton, probably, but no. Simpliciter, FM-OP, Plateau/Valhalla.