Purf patches - Intermission

Sooo, a place to post tunes, huh? Hi, uhm, I’m Urs. I found VCV Rack about two years ago - and immediately fell in love - but my computer wasn’t quite letting me having fun with it back then. Well, that changed and I gleefully installed it the other day. Which was last week. Here’s an ambient thing I made (in which I heavily digressed from Omri patching with the Mockbar modules) (and in which I take my sweet time to get to the meat of it but oh well)



a nice patch :+1:

you can put a direct link to the yt vid here (just put it in a single line):


That’s a wonderful piece Urs, I like it a lot!

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Excellent :slightly_smiling_face:

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A little whimsical klickklack for the VCP49. I quite like how the chords emerge from, for a change, not triggering the Shift Register through a steady clock. Need to remember this :slight_smile: Also, I initially used the Trig Delay length for idunnowhatreason and only then realized how it so nicely limits the Maze’s ratcheting to one voice.


I was at the piano flicking through my sheet music and why not. Philip Glass - Opening. An exercise in understanding Impromptu’s Phrase-Seq and its song mode. A 3:2 polyrhythm made with two Clockeds, set to different BPMs and lenghts so that one will play 24 notes during the time it takes the other to play 16. And then made really slow to have a reason to mix some additional chords into it.


Very nice

Sounds wonderful Urs. :slight_smile:

Thanks, guys. But a sine-y XFX just sounds so nice. In some other patch I have it sending chords through a Sangster delay - instant vintage epiano.


Here’s the one from the Metal VCP. I’m quite digging the patch, that was fun :slight_smile: I do want to perform this somewhat different, though. The drummer screwed up, for instance, and it works better when not everything is blaring at once. (My reference of sorts was Waste of Space Orchestra/Oranssi Pazuzu, btw, very fine prog/doom metal)


One more. First experiment with my new Host.:smiley: Generative piano with Rack playing the Noire library, default preset. There are a few new bits and pieces that I picked up here and there: using Re-Burst (for the first time) to liven up the chords and to trigger the FM-OP’s gate. And Bernoulli gates for clicks. I also explored a bit what I randomly happened to make in the VCP 49 patch: way different triggers for a synth’s gate, envelope and modulation (FM-OPs feedback here). Fun!


Not bad, except the high pitched beep coming from Track 4 is very annoying. Detracts from what is otherwise a very nice piece.

But some care went into it! It’s tuned and has its own clock-delay and lovingly nudged pulse width! :wink: But now that you mention it, after I stop the clock at 1:03 and then run it again, it’s rhythmically not where’s it’s supposed to be…

(This patch actually started with a Nysthi sampler and some piano.wavs and me trying to figure out how to get somewhere here and while I moved on, I kept the beep)

Magique, magnifique :slightly_smiling_face: Bravo purf…

More LFO undulations with just a bit of clock to mostly drive the Turing Machine for pitches. Controls only for the recording and some of the Re-Bursts are redundant but eh, this evolved (The VCAs look funny here - they are a bit opened actually).


I do enjoy the occasional Techno from time to time, so I’ve been trying to make some in VCV. Here’s me clicking around in a wip of the first something in that vein that I spent some time with instead of not even saving it.


Très belle performance, purf :slightly_smiling_face:

Aw, too kind :slight_smile: Merci! I can think of some things to work on, though. My usage of that reverb FX (that’s so nice on Freeze) being the most pressing one.

This started with me losely patching along Omri’s recent stream with the Voxglitch sequencers. This is what I made at that time. And then, yes, the FM-OPs fm distortion drew me in again :slight_smile: This piece with a little help from MyNoise.net’s “Polar Exhibition”


Beautiful evolving sounds. Une réussite, Urs :slightly_smiling_face: (merci pour le site MyNoise, i did’n know it)