Purf patches - Intermission

Here’s a snippet from a yesterday’s sketch; pretty much the old triggering of random notes at different intervals with sprinkles on top. There’s a realization in here, though. I really need to figure out ways to - at the same time - let the rules and systems do the composing - because, great job there, VCV, from 0:30-0:45 - AND be able to have such a harmonic progression resolve to a needed chord. Ah, well.


Splendide Urs, as always :slightly_smiling_face:

Recently I’ve been patching way too much with a mindset of trying to sound like xy and that really didn’t get me anywhere. Today however, after waking up weirdly early - it’s Sunday, I’m home alone, what? - I started making this by more doing just what feels right and whereever VCV leads me :slight_smile:

I’m not yet ready to commit on using the other Host module for some actual, manual piano playing but this’ll come, eventually, maybe, hopefully. Patch notes:

A sequence of four piano (block) chords, played by the NOIRE library with a long attack goes into JONI, from there into both a pitched down Clouds and Rings, the latter “controlled” by the Grid Seq. Oh, and for good measure and why not Rings gets processed by Southpoles Smoke, which is a module I wanted to try out. The old XFX Wave/Sangster combo for a low bass drone and Grain Engine slowly crunches through a recording of assorted sounds of a piano’s mechanics.


Très beau, Urs :slightly_smiling_face:

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New version. Same, but different. Spent a good part of the weekend listening to and playing with those endless, lush pad sounds from texture synths going into texture synths. Fun times!


Magnifique, Urs :slightly_smiling_face:

This is so good, so much talent! I need to dive in to your tunes more.

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Here’s a work in progress. That I might never finish, because this is not what Modular is made for, I fear. But I tend to do these things recently, build big patches, that I would have to either make a whole, crazy control surface for in order to (learn how to) perform them or… well, start making this stuff in a DAW. Anyways. Sounds like this (the Cello is a sampled riff played with Felt Instruments’ Blisko):

…which leads me to…


… back to basics :slight_smile: Smaller patches. Patches that look like this. Like, three modules from Audible Instruments and seeing what happens. Experiment, Explore, Repeat.


Magnifique. Very beautiful soundscapes et très belles harmonies :slightly_smiling_face:

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Lovely! “Small” is beautiful and amazing things can be done with a (mostly) Mutable rack. Good stuff.

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So, here’s a little tune.

was playing with the new NoteSeqFu, put polyphonic v/oct into the Macro Oscillator and it went from there.

(bit fond of this bit here, where the individual gates are arbitrarily offset by slow LFOs:) image


Nice! I really like that one.

An Event Horizon remix of @Omri_Cohen’s Halloween-patch :slight_smile:


Oh man, very unsettling…

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Bought Sound Stage and what do we do with Sound Stage? Randomise the room size, of course!


Une réussite, Urs. Bravo :slightly_smiling_face:

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Here, the “meaning” of the patch is something entirely different (intricate piano patterns through ARP playing incoming chords but its v/oct and gate outputs are sent through signal delays) but I fooled around with the VST’s options and smearing that piano into texture is also nice :slight_smile:


Gentle, very enjoyable! Never got around using the ARP module…think I will now :slight_smile: