Will 23Volts be updated to v2?


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Oooh! A dear old friend drops by - hopefully for more than just a fleeting visit.

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Well someone had knocked on my door, see here: Modular Lab II: 191 patches for VCV Rack (25 patch templates available for free) - #8 by Yeager and it was then I realised that I hadn’t updated the release page for the forked repo I had done some time ago.

The builds are done by GitHub so all should be well. :+1:

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For me it was the realization that you could work almost fully time on making these free modules, and even then you can’t really get that many ppl to use them, or get a kind word from VCV. Just not much in it for a lot of ppl. Whereas a programming job will pay you giant gobs of money for that effort.

Yes, that’s what open source is about: appreciation. I think this holds true for for even the non-open free modules.

When there is no appreciation people will move away, inevitably.

On the other hand: I’ve to admit that the “giant gobs” paying jobs are mostly dull – not to mention the “social” challenges.

I did open source for recreation. I like to program, but I don’t like the so called professional environment.


Oh no, your inventiveness would be sorely missed. I certainly appreciate all the time and effort you put into your modules. I have bought all your ‘paid for’ ones as well.

To all devs I give my upmost thanks!!

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Unfortunately you’re not allowed to sell your opensource work on the library either.

True, that is a unfortunate limitation. But do you think anyone makes any significant money from selling modules?

That’s unfortunate. Most of the jobs I’ve had were pretty fun, and I did pretty well, had friendly co-workers, etc… But there’s all kind of people out there and all kinds of jobs. I’m sorry it has been unpleasant for you.

Does that really matter, though? Likely more than people get from donations.

well, it would affect most people’s decision, I think. I know for me I’ve always assumed the income from VCV modules would be extremely small. If it rivaled what a job pays, that would be more interesting.

I estimate it took me 1000 hours to make my modules (I’m not super speedy). So if I make $1k on selling modules, that’s wouldn’t be a great hourly rate of pay. Although it for sure would be more than $100, it that’s what you are saying.

That’s a shame, as I’ve been working on a set of modules which (if I ever get to the point where I am totally happy) I was hoping to sell (and keep open source). I guess I can either go the way of @slimechildaudio and release open source version after a year (say) or go to the donation model (which I think would make less to be honest).

I’m in not motivated by money to continue as a VCV dev, just a little appreciation as others have mentioned (or even just seeing modules pop up in peoples patches). @Squinky - I often get the impression you feel under-valued/under-appreciated (this being part of why you stopped dev) but I always saw a lot of praise for your modules (and saw them in many patches). This includes the Squinkytronix line, which had healthy dev/feedback threads. In case it’s not clear, I’m part of the crowd that values and reguarly uses your modules.

Back to selling - I do however have a (hardware) Eurorack habit that burns a hole in my pocket so having a little VCV side-hussle to fund GAS seems a fitting match, and if I do end up selling modules here this is probably mostly where that would go…

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yes, that was a good thread. And I don’t really want to sound like a cry baby. I think I could make it work for me if I were better at figuring out what people actually want, and if I stopped writing manuals, optimizing the performance, getting rid of audio artifacts, and writing so many unit tests. But that’s not really what I want to do, so better to just drop it.


How ‘bout a Mac ARM build?

Release page updated


This is great. Really appreciate you doing this. I find the MidiPC module to be super useful.

I do have an issue with this V2 update though, in that if I use MidiPC in a patch whilst using VCV inside Cubase, then Cubase will crash when I try to open the project at a later date. I don’t know if this is something that could be addressed.

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As I don’t use Cubase, I can’t replicate or test this.

Well, if you like that abandonware enough to put of with it crashing your daw that’s cool.

What I like is being able to change patterns on the Beatstep Pro using VCV’s CV data. The Cubase problem is an unfortunate side effect!

If anyone knows of a current module, or any other way of doing this (short of building my own module), I’d love to hear about it.

In case anyone else wants to send program change messages to an external module from VCV within Cubase, I worked out that it can be done using VCV’s CV to MIDI module and the Input Transformer in Cubase. So no need for the MIDI-CC module now. :slight_smile: