What are you listening to?

Well spotted there is definitely something there! A link wonder if they Listened to Can. Just playing Can’s Halleluwah and very similar sounds and pace to Happy Monday, both stoner music/herb music so maybe no surprise there!

Yeah, it’s almost a blueprint for the Mondays sound - looping rhythm to the fore, shouty/shrugging vocal etc.

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2x hocuspocus, just for the speedlimiter.


Classic riff!

I just discovered The C86 Show - Indie Pop podcast which seems to have music and interviews with different key figures in the peel session/indie C86 scene. That one I linked is a Microdisney and Fatima Mansions special with the great Cathal Coughlan.


I have a friend whose band played hocus pocus. I think just to show they could. A co-worker had a band that played “carry on my wayward son”, but just as a joke.

My days of spending nights in the clubs are long gone, so this isn’t a Covid theme, but, boy, did this album make me miss those nights today.

To my shame I discovered this only from this movie, really awesome soundtrack.

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From time to time must listen pure old Rock :grinning:

… or this one:

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Woah. This is an extraordinary resource! May every scene eventually get its 600+ hours of podcasts :smiley:

Currently listening to Sonic Boom holding forth about quadratic equations…

A loving tribute to Tim Smith et al


This post has become my go to for finding new music. I’m still working my way through two years of posts. Fantastic idea! This is one of my favorite Quebecquois tunes. It’s not electronic at all…but it’s still a great tune.

New track from Gary Numan’s upcoming album

Went for some quick shopping after dropping off the kids. This played over the supermarket’s speakers, just after the Covid-reminder. 5/5.

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You must have a cool supermarket, this track is wonderful, just about sums 2020-1 and the social isolation and despair. A great track, thanks.

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As much as I’d paid attention previously, it’s a tolerable mix that’s neither muzak nor the kind of stuff that dominates pop radio but this one was a pleasant outlier

Big Chief - Professor Longhair