What are you listening to?

I used to be able to play three pitches of feedback on my guitar using a slide, wah pedal, e-bow and many watts. that was fun.

I had lots of fun 40 years ago playing my guitar with a rosin block rather than a pick. Sure made a mess though :thinking:

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like this?


Casually found this guy (Spiros) on the web, and wrote him that there were something I liked in his music. He told me “ok write a piece for cello solo + electronic background and will put it in my next EP”.

A little shocking experience for me, but I managed to do that. He said that the electronic part was perfect for the job but the cello part had been thrown away because it was too steady.

The most satisfying thing, aside it is my first international collab, is that he stole the theme of his 1st quartet piece from the cello solo that I wrote for him :sweat_smile: as I would not recognize it (he’s a composition teacher).

Btw, my work has been made entirely in VCV Rack Pro2 (vst3 inside Reaper).

Spoiler alert: it is more ATONAL than TONAL, so the anecdote could be funnier that the music if you’re note into it.


There certainly were some similarities in what the three of us did. Jimmy used a violin bow, you used an ebow and I used a rosin block bow. Fun times. I cannot remember who inspired me. It could well have been Jimmy.

Ah, I remember now. My inspiration was my dad’s stories of attaching a string or wire to the outside of a farm house and stretching the string and rubbing with a piece of rosin and the spooky sounds could be heard throughout the house. May have been a Halloween prank, but that would have been close to 100 years ago now. As I have mentioned before, I did a bunch playing around with iron and steel long wires stretched across the garage and used a magnetic pickup to pick up the vibrations as I plucked, hit and stretched the wire. Of course, that was 55 years ago or so. So, I was “listening” to that in my head just now, but, unfortunately I can’t easily share that “music” :wink:

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I went to see the Anthropology Band last month and Martin Pyne used a bow on his Vibraphone at one point - unique sounds :slight_smile:

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I made a similar thing with a 1x3 board, 8 feet of 16 gauge wire, and a contact mic. I was inspired by the “Blaster Beam”, a.k.a. the voice of V’ger.


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I’m surprised how good it is, quite liking it actually, getting slightly emotional about it too. It’s kind of a mediocre Beatles song (IMHO) which means it’s better than 99.99% of what’s on the radio. Impressive technical feat too.

Here’s the quite moving official music video:

How it technically was done:


A good bit about Now And Then, describes my feeling too

“Now and Then” - I wish they had kept in the bit with “I don’t wanna lose you, oh no, no” [01:25-0145], because I really like how the melody sort of tumbles down on “oh no, no”.

Overall though, I like the 2023 version, as long as I hear it with headphones. On a small radio speaker it sounds a like bland filler track.

[Next day - Oops. That video didn’t stay up very long. :roll_eyes:]

Pardon the fake video. I’m not a giant Cramps fan, but I did see them in 1978.


King Gizzard - their new album, The Silver Cord, uses modular a LOT. It’s how I’ve discovered VCV. Here’s Joey’s Modular Synth: Mutable Instruments Plaits, Intellijel Quadrax, Happy Nerding FX Aid, Intellijel Metropolis, Befaco Hexmix, Intellijel Bifold, Make Noise Mimeophon, Make Noise Maths, Mutable Instruments Rings, Doepfer A-182-1 Switched Multiples, WMD Geiger Counter, Intellijel Quad VCA, ALM Pamela’s New Workout, Joranalogue Filter 8, Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter, Music Thing Turing Machine, Eowave Quadrantid Swarm, XAOC Devices Belgrad Dual Peak Filter, Mutable Instruments Ripples, Instruo Cs-L Complex Oscillator

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They put out too much stuff to keep up with!

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Lloyd Cole [ founder of SquinkyLabs ] has a new album out where he combines his main passion (modular synths) and his day job (singer/songwriter).


My Danish compatriote Atte, extremely talented guy!