Voxglitch Community Feedback

I would need only the Solo buttons and inputs, (no need for mutes imho)

as they work now I can use these as on/off switches for each track, and this is for me like solo ( only one track on) and like mute ( one or more tracks off)
so imho it would be enough to have just the Solo switches,
(but with the inputs)
and maybe rename it to on/off or something like this.
I hope it is clear what I want to express.

and I like Peters layout for the expander a bit better, it looks more fitting to the main module imho

I also like Peter’s layout! I’ll go with it!

I think that I’ll keep the solo buttons, at least. There was some demand for those, and it seems like a reasonable request. I should have this done relatively soon. I’ve got a busy week next week, so it might take me 2 weeks before the next update. :bowing_man:


Quick note:

This is fixed. I didn’t go through the work to support “hidden” parameter locks, but the parameter knobs now return to the correct default when double-clicking. This fix will be included in the next build.


Hey Bret, what a lovely machine this is, so easy to lay down a solid groove in seconds. Fantastic work.

A few things:

  1. The CMD+R function only works on the parameter you’re working on. I ABSOLUTELY love this, so please keep it that way. So for now CMD+R means RANDOMIZE per parameter AND the selected track, am I right? That is absolutely brilliant.

  2. CMD+I seems to work the same way which is also perfect, though that means in this case the parameters go back the zero and not their original position. So if you Initialize PANNING, that means everything pans left, same as with PITCH, etc. Is it possible to make them INITIALIZE with CMD+I to their original intended center position, though I guess that comes with the double click option on your to do list? That would greatly enhance workflow.

  3. Also I am not sure if the SWING of a clock comes through correctly or even at all, but that might be because of the x32 clock pulses.

Thanks again for your work, easily my favorite starting module in VCV right now.

One more thing. Setting the individual length of the track is now only possible from STEP 1 till whatever step you choose. Could it be an option to also set the START point of the track from any STEP or any other step? So basically shift the TRACK loop around? I hope I’m not too intrusive, but this is a groovebox after all and sometimes the groove comes when you shift a track sequence.

Thanks for your time.

Thanks so much for the kind words!!

I never even thought of this! What an interesting idea! I think that I can do this, and I’ll put it on my list.

Oh – interesting. I rarely use CMD-I and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to override that behavior, but I have recently added a “Track Actions” menu which has the option of clearing track data. That might help

That’s correct. I could add an option for “1x clock”. When selected, each clock pulse would step the sequencer – at the expense of losing ratcheting capability.

I think that I could implement ratcheting without requiring the fast clock. The main difficulty is that the module would need to “learn” the BPM from incoming clock pulses, so the beginning of playback would be wonky.

One related idea would be to give the module an internal clock option with BPM selection, which would also allow me to include a “swing” knob on the front panel. This would require increasing the size of the panel a little bit. Anyhow, I’m always interested in hearing your ideas!


Quick update! The expander module may be done?? It seems hard to believe. It came together faster than expected.

I spent some quality time making sure that when you detach it and re-attach it, that it behaves correctly. It now also saves and loads mute and solo selections.

It’s on my development branch if anyone would like to test-drive it! GitHub - clone45/voxglitch at development

There might be some minor front panel adjustments, but it’s pretty cool!


I would like to test it,
but I would need a win binary, as I can’t build it myself atm.

I’ll get this done for you within the next 5 minutes. :slight_smile:


Here you go! voxglitch-2.13.0-win.vcvplugin - Google Drive

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Thank you, bug report when soloing a channel while another channel is ratcheting makes the ratcheting channel still play and out of sync.De-soloing makes it play in sync again. Try it with my patch, solo the kick while the snare is ratcheting (step 15). But boy it looks gorgeous now :heart_eyes:

Thanks for posting this! I’ll get it fixed tonight. :slight_smile:

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I think that this has been corrected. I’ve uploaded the patched version, but the previous download link still works. I also modified the expander trigger outputs to fire when ratcheting. :wrench:

*** Update: forgot to push code. Code updated at 6:01 PM PST.

Works now :+1:t2: well done Bret.

But as a result the new version makes all the gate outs Ratchets.Old version is Ok but has the previous problem.

Edit : don’t know what I did (nothing) but now all the gates from the expander are ratchets

brettest.vcv (10.5 KB)

Ha ha ha ha. I’m so sorry about that. I should have tested more before posting it. I’ll take a peek tonight. :slight_smile:


I’ve theoretically fixed the ratcheting issue. :raised_hands: I tested minimally and it seems good-to-go. I’ve pushed to fix to the development branch.

I wanted to bring up something about the ratcheting feature which might not be obvious. Instead of simple ratcheting — dividing the pattern into subdivisions – I’m using a different tactic that uses “ratcheting patterns”

These are the ratcheting patterns:


You might ask, “Why are they length of 7??” It’s because the first trigger is the main trigger. The clock is subdivided by 8, so those 7 booleans determine when the ratchet should trigger.

I mostly mention this because I get amazing feedback from you guys, and you might have some clever ideas that I haven’t thought of yet to improve this mechanism!? I was thinking about creating a tool-tip that appears when modifying the ratcheting value that shows which pattern that you’re selecting, but I haven’t gotten to it yet since there are more important updates pending.

Cool beans,

I like the idea of “ratcheting patterns”,
what about some more? I like the first 9 the most,
but I understand if you choose some others.

to be continued :wink: (as there are 128 possible combinations)

Ha ha ha. Dialing in 128 with an attenuatior sized knob might be a little challenging. ha ha ha. I’m not behind my computer, but when I get back I’ll try those patterns. Should 1111111 be the last pattern?

Yes 128 is much too much, I know, I would make the 1111111 the last one.