Voxglitch Community Feedback

Mem input selects the memory 1-16 using 0-10V if i understand correctly - fractional volt CV’s don’t control the step in the selected mem.

RST should bring it back to step 0 - no matter if MEM is connected or not ?

Indeed, and it does not, so it’s a bug.

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Definitely a bug.

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may I ask one more feature?

it would be a nice addition if there was a “sample volume edit” possibility, as there are often samples that might not be adjusted in the volume, so it would be cool
to have a fst way to adjust the sample volumes,
like using the first step volume knob and holding ctrl to adjust the overall volume of that track.

and imho it would be nice to have a positive and negative offset parameter (with plus and minus just in on the knob like the pitch) for some swing.

and … and … and … :wink:

I agree with you, but I’m not sure how to implement it yet.

Although this is a great idea, it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon. The code isn’t flexible enough to handle playback offsets like that. That would be a real pain in the butt. :speak_no_evil: Ha ha ha. However, if the opportunity arises, I’ll keep this idea in mind!


Hi Peter,

For the master volume, I have a few questions:


  1. Should it affect both the mix and individual outputs?

  2. I’ll be taking the master volume and multiplying the output(s) by it. What do you think the maxium should be? Experimentally, I’m finding that x8 seems to produce a healthy signal with no distortion.

What do you think of a “normalize volume” feature for each track that’s available in the context menu? I think that I could pull that off. :thinking:

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That sounds good to me.

this could be a good workaround,
(as long as we don’t have separate track volumes ← I’m sure you will add this someday :wink: )

I suspect this is intended, but I figured I’ll ask anyway:

Is the function of “offset” to change the start playback position starting point of the sample, or to move the point of playback off the grid? Currently, it does the former, which is cool, if not quite what I expected. I can’t find a better word for the function, however.

Fantastic module, much fun to be had with samples and parameter locks.

May I suggest a possible addition of CV inputs?

There could be two inputs (MOD 1 and MOD 2) each assigned to a single sample parameter via a right click menu like this



… for all possible combinations for both MOD inputs.

CV from MOD inputs would pe multiplied by the value of an attenuator and added to the assigned parameter. That way even more dynamic modulation could be created.

Correct! You could, for example, use it to create a breakbeat track by loading in a drum loop with the same BPM as your clock, then use the offset to jump within various sections of the drum loop.

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I wonder… what if there were a 16 channel POLY input for “MOD”, and each of the 16 channels could be routed in the way you suggest? The benefit would be more options. The drawback would be that you’d need a “join” module – unless you’re using something with a POLY out, such as the Digital Programmer by Voxglitch. (<< sly product placement. Ha ha ha.)

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Here’s my current schedule:

  1. Fix bugs and implement requests on the Groovebox module.

  2. Add the linear interpolation to the Groovebox module for better quality playback

  3. Try and convert the sliders on Digital Programmer to actual VCV Rack sliders, but keep the look and feel. This will allow it to be midi-mapped. I may be able to do the same with the bank buttons.


That would be like 16 freely assignable cv inputs? That would be perfect!

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Correct! :raised_hands:.

Oh… that could be really cool. I could add features like “shift track left” that are accessible from those CVs. I might try and make a fancy interface for the mapping, such as a pin board that can be popped open.


I really like where this is going, and quite fun thus far indeed!

Master should be master only. Otherwise it changes the external mix compared to other modules on a mixing console.

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Didn’t we speak about this before? That is definitely super good to make it POLY inputs.

You’re on fire Bret!! So fun to see this. Many many thanks.

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