Voxglitch Community Feedback

Hi Brett,
I would like to test the “early alpha” of any of your modules,
just send me a pn, or a download link here or …

Thanks!! I just updated my previous post with links to the windows distribution file and a link to the branch where I’m doing development on it. :tada:

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I’ll gonna try it asap

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mac version Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life

this thing is fun @clone45

here is something


Anyone have any good name ideas? I’d love to give it a MC 202 style name, but I don’t know if something like VoxBeat 575 is too “Roland”. :smile:

Thanks Jeremy! I love your grid sequences. :heart_eyes:

Hey, thanks for making a Mac version Jeremy

Hey Bret. Seems like this is going to be a very fun machine to work with. Just tried it out and a few things already come to mind for workflow and suggustions.

  1. Would be a plus to have a Decay (or even attack/decay) as a step function. Making Hi-Hats etc shorter is a must have.
  2. Selecting the steps is now on a per-click basis. Would be nice to select one with one mouseclick and be able to slide over the rest of the steps and selecting them while holding the mouse button. (like using your finger on an Elektron machine and slide over all the step buttons)
  3. Sample selection of first 8 is already an option, but if you don’t want that selecting samples is a bit tedious. Is it an option to hold CTRL/CMD to select 8 samples of your choice in one go? Or can we use the VCV option to keep the menu open while selecting? Btw, my clock needs to be x32 for a normal BPM count.
  4. Will it be possible for each drum sequence to have it’s own length? So a Kick 16 steps, hi-hat 12 steps, percussion 7 steps for example?

But man I love this thing, so easy to sequence a something now.


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I love these ideas! I’ll get back to you after work today with my comments. :+1:

Hi Bret a great new addition to your modules!

I had a short test of the new alpha build,

I agree with Jeroen, the “DrumBox” could need some refinement,
but it is already something useable!

besides Jeroen’s additions I would like to have a bipolar pitch adjustment (for up and down pitching) if it is possible.

here is a short try of the new “DrumBox” in action:


That’s awesome! I’ll combine both of your ideas to discuss:

Ah yes, absolutely I can do this. I’ll make it happen.

I agree. What about if you could double-click on a track label to open up the sample selection box?

Btw, my clock needs to be x32 for a normal BPM count.

How does that feel? Is it OK? I did that so the ratcheting feature could have accurate timing.

I’m on the fence about this one. I realize it’s a good idea, but I’m dreading the amount of work it would take! Ha ha ha. Let me sit on this one for a bit.

AH! I understand. I like that idea. I don’t know if it will be possible or not. Those are going to be custom buttons derived from the VCV Rack button code, which will allow midi controllers and such to easily map to them. I don’t know how easy it will be to do what you’re asking, but I’ll try!!

This was in the back of my mind as well. Technically, I can do it! I could have customizable sequence lengths, or even per-track length. But that might get a little crazy. Let me get the basics done and come back to this!

I’ll explore loading samples using the double-click idea tonight. :computer_mouse:

Hi @secretcinema ,

I was successful in implementing a “double-click on the track name area” to load the track. I think it’s far easier now. I overwrote the distribution on my Google Drive with the new updates:

In summary: Double click in the colored box area to load a sample for that track. I know it’s ugly, but I want to reiterate that the panel is just temporary. :see_no_evil:

Is there a space for solo-outputs?I can imagine dedicating different effect chains to some of the tracks.

(An expander module for the extra outputs would also do. You could even call it “backpanel”… :slight_smile: )

Absolutely! Stereo outputs are planned on being available at the top of the module.


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Oh, sorry. I missed that note on the top. :flushed:

As I’m failing miserably with my SamplerX3 plans I’m looking forward to this module!

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Great idea Bret! I know about the panel, haha. I’m sure it will look great when done.

How about implementing the LENGTH POLY from the Digital Sequencer as option for the lengths of the separate lanes and maybe even one for the ATTACK/DECAY option in the ‘VoxBeat’? So we can use the Poly Knobs again.

I could do that. :thinking: Let me play around with it! Tonight I intend to implement Stephan’s request:

No pressure on any of it! Super hyped for the groovebox module :slight_smile:

For bytebeat V2, I think having some kind of sub audio or trigger output linked to the equation would be awesome, I have no idea how bytebeat works so idk if that’s practical.

Good luck with the groovebox, I’m super hyped for it

P.S: I think trigger outs from the groovebox channels would be super handy too.

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