RJ’s CHORDSEQ goes to a switch to make the arpeggios with two instances of MSM’s Treasure.
Euclidian is feeding the KS and the SD… then there are more modules and stuff blah blah
Even if it’s a quickly thrown together jam I’m using the opportunity to figure out how to shoot bedroom computer techno in a way that looks somewhat engaging, lol.
I’m using 8 instances of Treasure on this, they are the only sound source (including drums) but are not used as LFOs.
Treasure is really hard to tame, I can never predict what the knobs will do. Some voices I didn’t want to modulate live cuz I knew I’d never be able to dial them back to a neutral position.
Voices are color-cabled for your convenience.
Meander is used as the main sequencer, the step sequencers only drive the rhythm and selection of chord notes to play. (I hope it’s not bad form to include a device I just released, I had yet to use in a complete song.)
Note that you will require the Stoermelder PackOne 1.5.0 beta to play it right now, but you can safely ignore errors if you don’t want to install it, as the new devices are just for MIDI control.
(If you’re curious about the weird module without a name: it’s to scroll the rack via MIDI/CV, it’s in development with scroll offsets hardcoded for this song, so I replaced it with a blank plate in the version I’m uploading.)
Here’s my submission for the VCP-48 challenge for the MSM Treasure oscillator.
I was inspired by Aria’s awesome new sequencer which reminded me of networks branching out, hence the title
I’ve also hopped on the Darius train. I used it with a shift register set up in such a way that it would not play the same note twice in a row. Then I used CV-Map to move the direction knobs over time resulting in a slowly shifting patch. But I found that boring so I added bass and chords and some Jooper based structure.
Hi there,
Here’s my contribution. one instance as a vco witch is the bass voice of the patch… so to say, and the other as a dumb LFO. This module can produce highly unpredictable results.
I took this opportunity to rediscover the MSM collection by using almost all of its modules.
If you play this patch you can also play with the LFO (not the treasure one) to set the rate of changing notes… what I haven’t done while recording the piece (Aaaahhhh!!!).