=== very cool patch challenge, edition 40 ===

VCP-40 - Rainbow by Prism - - Shadowrunner

Hello Rackerz
Today (tonight) I present my entry to Very Cool Patch part 40. This time I made something absolutly by acccident. This one have a nice atmosphere. I apologize for the quality of the sound, in places my computer just couldn’t do it anymore. Patch contain only free modules avaible in library.



my enrty for this challenge:

and here is the patch: VCP-40_rsmus7_shponggler.vcv (115.4 KB)


Here, look:


I found this weeks entry hard to manage. At least part of the problem would be my rudimentary understanding of limiting and other sound design ideas. At first I had a very screachy or very quiet patch but then I got carried away with limiters, something I’ve barely used before now.
the basic idea of the patch, use the new Squinky labs sequencer to control Basal and then plug it into effects, was something i was already toying with. The idea would be to have the same notes but with varied sonic environment. Then this VCP came up and I just plugged Basal straight into it. How you control your filters and effects to achieve movement is obviously the key to this but I really didn’t apply any compositional principles or ideas, I just plugged sequencer things into patchpoints and the results are above.


My little contribution. Bonne écoute :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, here’s my contribution. Injecting a “home made” Karplus Strong voice into “Rainbow”. That’s fun! Enjoy and nice listening.

Here’s the patch: Strong Bow.vcv (40.4 KB) Cheers. I heared some great stuff around here. DeniSound’s music corner


My entry to VCP-40

The Prism Rainbow is fed by the Energy VCO, and modulated by Stages and Octasource.
There’s a piano like voice from the FM-OP VCO with heavy use of delay through Chronoblob2.
Both voices are sequenced by Entropia and the Addr-Seq provides transposing for Energy.
The bass drone is provided by the Saws VCO through the Stairway filter, and there’s a noise based percussive voice sequenced by uGraph.

The Rainbow is a difficult beast to tame. To say that I understand it would be the overstatement of the year :slight_smile:

You will find the patch here: https://patchstorage.com/somewhere-inside-the-rainbow/


Here’s my contribution. An ambient piece I did a couple of weeks ago when Rainbow first came out.

The patch is here https://patchstorage.com/shooting-rainbows/


Équilibre et délicatesse :slightly_smiling_face: Merci Lars

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Très beau travail de recherche :slightly_smiling_face: Je ne connaissais pas la méthode Karplus Strong (de plus, la couleur rouge Ferrari des câbles est magnifique : oui, je suis attentif aux détails)

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Hi vcp rackers
It was a pleasure to listen to all these submissions. Due to my relatively old laptop, I was a bit frustrated not to be able to dive in most of those patches. IMO, this is a very cool edition of VCP. RAINBOW is a very powerful and very difficult to master module and full of surprises.

Nice one. Nothing but a deep exploration of this module. Joli travail. Juste avec un bruit blanc et des LFO’s si j’ai bien suivi ! Personally I couldn’t find enough time to understand how to use its expander…

Very cool and atmospheric soundscape. Cannot figure out what “Rainbow” really does though, since it seems to be bypass (Q level all the way down) throughout all the piece.

Nice piece. I like this rumble bass sound. Really a cool space sci-fi soundscape. The contrast between those spacy sounds and the “blips” so to say is really funny!
It’s clear that the use of the resonator was not the main purpose of this patch, but it takes his own place in it.

As usual, no chance for me to play your patch… So I can only say that… As usual… It’s monster super mastered patch. Bravo!

Huge patch indeed. Couldn’t play with. For me, there’s a bit too much in it. It’s really a good patch but could be much better with less informations. And also with a bit less reverb. It’s a bit like watching a nice picture through a foggy screen… IMHO, of course!

Well! Another monster my CPU cannot afford. Very nice result though. I like those small events happening here and there. Very nice lifeful rhythm as well with suptles ratcheting.

I agree that it’s quite difficult to manage this module. Your result is funny and strange. Sort of experimentation with pitched feedback larsens… Not sure to like it but surely original!

Nice musical piece. It’s sounds really sweet to my ears. The bass sound is well balanced. Just a cons though: in my opinion the FmOp voice (I think it’s this one) provides maybe to much repeated notes and not enough variation in timbre and dynamics and provides some strange voicings (addition of randomness in pitch and shift register). Anyway, and most important the sounds you got from energy and Rainbow is really nice.
And what if plugging the noise perc in the same instance of rainbow, thanks to its polyphonic features??

Well, I think that not enough people dares producing music with slow an simple pulsation. Very nice result. The presence of “Elements” is very subtle here. I like this patch quite a lot even if I’m not a great fan of patches with so many random sources. The result is very good balanced between randomness and periodic events (witch are strong elements of this patch) though.

Bravo à tous ! Je vous adore.
See you !



my entry is a meandering soundscape:

patch at https://patchstorage.com/phenomenon-on-a-thursday-vcp-40/

i feel i only scratched the surface on rainbow. i really need to take the time to delve deeper into this module!


Indeed. I think that those alternatives in tuning are great parts of the difficulty on the understanding of this marvelous module.

Damned! This is a serious one! Great generative patch. By the way, I think that the best way to get deep in such a module is to put it right in the center of a patch which should be as simple as possible. @Marc_Brafman’s patch is the best illustration of what I mean! Even if he also, as us all, just scratched the surface of “Rainbow.”
Thanks again and again for hosting the VCP challenge.

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thanks! glad you like it. this actually started as a patch around seven seas and some vst fx plugins in several instances of vcv host-fx… then i thought i could feed this into rainbow, and replace the vst plugins with native modules. rainbow really changed the patch, and espectro adds some nice touches as well. using different triggers (and the trigger chain in the two rampages) makes for a nice interplay between rainbow and seven seas.

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So complexe. Magnifique.

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Très mélodique. Super arrangement :slightly_smiling_face:

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Étincelant. Bravo :slightly_smiling_face:

@jedrzejewskimk : du son, du son, encore du son :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

@ablaut Composition surprenante et riche de sonorités évolutives.

Congratulations to all the contributors!

A question: after completing (or not) the challenge, what changes would you suggest to the module? I cannot guarantee that I will (or even can) implement anything. But I will at least consider reasonable ideas.




very well done!

Ohhhhh very nice indeed!