Unable to install VCV Rack 2.0.0 on Windows 10

I GOT THE SOLUTION right now !!! :face_holding_back_tears:

I found the Solution as i was trying to use PortableApps-Applications and got the same ErrorCode…huh*?


So i combine this “Code” and “PortableApps” in google that leads me to the Forum. And there was a Guy with IQ 5000.

The Solution is:

  1. Go on start and type “Security” that leads you to the Security Settings
  2. Click on App&Browser Control
  3. Click Exploit Protection Setting
  4. Change ‘Force ranomization for images (Mandatory ASLR)’ back to ‘Use default (Off)’.
  5. Reboot

I followed the instruction an i can now install Rack 2.2.1. without any issues, warnings or silence-nothing. Windows should tell me that 4 sure that THIS Setting harms the Process. Stupid Windows !!

I did not check out if VCV will run if this Security Option is activated again after the Installation of VCV.

Original-Post: error 0xc000007b after win10 update | PortableApps.com

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