VCV Library beta

Good idea, added “Last updated” field to plugin and module page.

There is no data on when modules are updated, so you will have to live with the plugin “build updated” timestamp.


I was wondering if the module date could be developer supplied?

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Sure, 20% of plugin developers would take advantage of it, half of them would keep it up-to-date, and half of that would be incorrect in some way.


I see all of that is already set fit.
One has only to look for the VCV logo with the “Available as a virtual module” stamp at the bottom of the right sidebar in the modules view of the “Modular Grid” website.
Awesome. I would say also, “Andrew never sleeps”.


Yes, we worked on this today. Example:


probably old news… but… in Rack 2 we’ll have the option to just add individual modules rather than the whole collection?:hugs:

Not sure it works like this, for patch compatibility you will have to add whole plugins. The difference here being when you disable something it only filters it out so you do not see it in the Module Browser. When you load a patch that uses a module you have filtered out it temporary allows it for the patch. At least that how I gathered it may work!

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Really exciting, @Vortico!

I wonder if he’d let the link go above the related racks (just below the dealers). It would be a lot more visible (and VCV is an alternative to a physical purchase, so that seems like a nice conceptual fit).

Random thought: If part of the point of this is to drive new users to VCV, greasing the path to the download might be a good idea. (Right now they have to click on the logo, click on Download, and then pick a platform (two extra clicks); finding Rack at the bottom saves a click but seems less likely).

Could the links from ModularGrid come with a parameter (say that, if there’s no login for a VCV Rack account, tells the library server to display a box at the top with:

  • a brief explanatory text (“If you want to try this module in software, you can…”)
  • a direct link to the VCV Rack binaries
  • and maybe an account creation link? Bonus if the link pre-registers the module’s plugin upon account creation.

Yes, that’s why you can see disabled “Add” and “Subscribe” buttons on module and plugin pages, respectively.


If you want to do that, wait 1-2 months from now and email or post a forum topic with that suggestion.

I think the current situation is fine. Those two clicks seem like a reasonable path. Additionally, if someone clicks the Add Module button without being logged in, they’ll be taken to a Login/Register page on

could be possible add a kind of ¨compact view¨ ? in the new library I can visualize lots of modules, but only two or three brands per page , I see it have a “brand” filter in the search, but I say something to see all the brands, no the modules, something like the old library , what you think?

(or perhaps a way to increase the numbers of modules per page)

edited sorry , forget this comment I just discover the “Pluggin” title is a button

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You can add the limit query parameter with a maximum of 200, e.g.

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my bad

I just discover this

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ok, great. thanks for clarifying.

Hurry, please, I have $99 burning a hole in my pocket :wink:

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Hurry to release VCV Rack for DAWs? This has nothing to do with the VCV Library, other than that VCV Library is the database/storefront for modules/plugins you use in Rack v2 and Rack for DAWs.

ooh, manualUrl works great! But I see I still have to clean up the look of some of my panels when there is no module :wink:

In the old plugin library it is pretty easy to list the latest modules and new releases. Since some of the modules can contain a lot of plugins, will the new library list all plugins as updated or will it be more granular?

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: VCV is now fully migrated to the new VCV Library