The House of GEODESICS

It’s HEXAQUARK Sunday Quiz 03 ! Name the song and I’ll link the patch in comment :slight_smile: Little magic trick: Here I have each part on each scene and I use the jump tool to move from one part to another

Is it Jump Around from House of Pain?


Any more paid modules to come from you two? @pyer @modlfo

Quick answer: YES


so stoked!

The beastie boys - hey ladies


Shake your rump!

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Hexaquark just received an update! Among a few technical fixes you will find:

  • Multi-channel copy paste when “global control" is on. This allows to copy pages on one channel alone or all channels

  • Improved reset behavior for chained scene and easier edition: use the jump tool to travel in your sequence, hit reset to move the play head instantly where you want

  • Endless encoder reset at double click: doesn’t sound like a big deal but it brings a new dimension for live edition!

  • Re-written user manual: less text, hopefully more straight to the point

On this occasion here is a drum machine combining the best of Vult and Geodesics. ENERGY is used as an audio rate modulator for PULSARS, in which the SNARE module is ran for resonating tones. The snare fills are not sequenced: they are made with a network of delay lines cv controled by HEXAQUARK. FLAME is also CV controled to add different colors of distorion on the KICK module.

Cheers from Geodesics and Vult!

Find Hexaquark here:

Play this drum machine here:

New manual here:


Careful Pyer, there are 2.7k modules in Rack :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


Thanks for updating! Have to check out this thing again…

I just discovered the LEDs don’t light up in “Night mode” with the Lights off module. Maybe you want to make it all blinky at night?


Hi, Yes, we had write special light to be able to use all the different states combined. The halo around made complicated to read the states in teh outer rings. They are not recognized as classic led elements and they don’t light up… we will se how it work with the new night mode in VCV 2 :slight_smile:

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Oh you right! I’ll correct that :slight_smile: impromptu endless ecoder are reseting on double click! super nice!


I just tried buying a Geodesics t shirt from your website. Is it possible for you to activate the USA Spreadshirt store so that I could order one of your most excellent t shirts? TIA

Hey @pyer (or maybe @modlfo ?), sorry to neco-bump this thread but I thought I’d see if you’re interested in helping me make Hexaquark a bit faster to use by using TouchOSC. I’ve managed to get something that techincally lets me control most things,

however, due to the buttons being internally momentary I can’t get the actual values to feedback to display on the lights, making it essentially impossible to use. I do understand why the buttons were made momentary though - it allows for selecting a step without actually changing it’s value, alt-functions, etc. - so instead I was wondering if, as a feature request, you could actually just add OSC output to indicate the light state internally? Note, I’m not asking you to put in all the work of making a full OSC control input system, I can do that, (though, if you want to, awesome) I just need a way to get the state of the lights out.

To me the biggest thing that has always kept me from using Hexaquark is just that it’s a lot of clicking to enter steps so it’s to slow to really enjoy using, even with keyboard shortcuts. So, I’m hopeful this can fix that.

Interesting. The buttons are momentary because each button controls a different internal parameter depending on the mode, channel or page selected. I don’t know if there’s an easy way of expose the displayed state. How do you currently do the mapping of the parameters to OSC? maybe there’s a workaround we can implement to expose a state.

I’m just using OSCelot ( VCV Library - OSCelot ) which, again, is mapping the trigger of the buttons fine it just can’t get the LED state as feedback. In TouchOSC I should be able to respond to arbitrary messages though - so if you added your own OSC server, it would work. I know that’s a lot of work, but unfortunately, OSCelot doesn’t support mapping to just a light - nor do I think that’s even possible with the VCV API? - it wants a parameter to latch onto. The only work around I could think of is to actually implement an OSC server internally, setting an ip in the right click menu, and sending the data.

Soon in Geodesics… an unknown form of energy affecting the universe on a galactic scale


This is exciting…