Stoermelder Strip: Eurikon presets

Hello all, here are 3 strip presets for the wonderful Stoermelder module: Strip.
You can find the manual here .

These presets will give you building blocks to build what you see in the video.
You will need the modules though, some of which are commercial paid modules.

This preset pack will grow over time as i will add presets to it.
For now just a tiny bit for you to use or to get started with, enjoy! :slight_smile:


This has now been updated with a couple of more presets, and enables you to build this:

or whatever else you like to do with it.
Have fun.

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This is madness :slight_smile:

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This is fantastic, thanks. This module is a game changer.

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Welcome for the presets.

And yeah Strip is one super dandy handy utility!

Thanks a lot for this Gift, @Eurikon!!! :pray:
And of course, thanks a lot also to @stoermelder for the module!!! :clap:

Hopefully many more decide to share their strips with us newbies … and who knows, maybe it would be a good idea to dedicate a specialized thread for that sharing.

EDIT1: I like a lot “Eurikon_909-House-Groove-1.vcvss” … Great source for learning!!! … I’m thinking now that little self-contained “strips” like yours, could be used by the Masters to teach VCV Rack techniques, don’t you think?

EDIT2: Definitely, Strips = Great Source for Learning and Inspiration!! (checking the other strips) … You’ve created a GREAT TOOL @stoermelder

p.s.: i just discovered this module today thanks to @PaulPiko’s response in the thread “Copy / paste one or more modules from one patch to another?”


Should we have a sticky thread for preset uploads? We’ve finally got a decent way to share our creations but nowhere to post and download them all. One place/thread would be very useful.

Totally agree with you @TroubledMind, that’s why i decided to create a POLL :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hi Josep, thanks for trying out the presets.
Great to see they are of good use.

This preset pack will grow over time, so keep an eye out on this thread.
Enjoy! :coffee::+1:t4: