Seaside Modular Announcements Thread: v2.5.2

Yup, that fixed the CPU usage. Hoping to do some testing asap…

yeah, doing all those trig functions many times for every sample - so much calculation going on int there. Should be pretty easy to make it faster.

And what is all this shuffling around? Is it just a delay line? There’s probably an easy way to speed this up.

   rec3_[1] = rec3_[0];
    rec2_[1] = rec2_[0];
    rec1_[1] = rec1_[0];
    rec4_[1] = rec4_[0];
    rec5_[1] = rec5_[0];
    rec0_[2] = rec0_[1];
    rec0_[1] = rec0_[0];

That code is part of the DaisySP library, I didn’t write that (meaning, I don’t know what’s up with that shuffling.)

Great sound! Some Questions: The standard tuning is B not C - is this intended? (SR 48000) Is it planned to have a V/Oct input to manipulate the Semi setting? And could the String 1 setting follow automatically when changing the Semi?


can someone upload the build please

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Oh wow, well done, you found two bugs!

  • frequency calculation has been fixed so that when semitone is 0 note played is properly a C (C3, 130.81Hz)
  • String 1 was supposed to follow semitone knob, now it does (rendering the Indian sargam notation correct with respect to the new root)

To manipulate semitone by CV… I think you’re right, should probably have v/oct input…Will look into that.


usually 0V is C4, not C3, 261.626Hz…

Yeah, I know but it’s not really originally set up to take any v/oct input. It plays at C3 by default because it sounds closer to a full-sized (“male”) tanpura that way (my own is tuned about halfway between C3 and C#3). I didn’t really intend for it to play a full range of frequencies with a v/oct input, since it’s really not a melodic instrument.

I did anticipate people wanting to play it to accompany music in different keys, which is why the semitone controls… and now I’ve acknowledged that it makes some sense to have a v/oct input for that, so I’ve talked myself into a loop. Not sure, may just leave it as is with no input, or replace with a traditional single tuning knob plus v/oct cv.


all good, playing with it later today. As long as it is obvious that it is at C3 it is fine. Your reasoning makes sense, go with whatever way makes sense to you most. Thanks for cool modules!

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Hey Jawari is super cool, got it droning away in the background as we speak, love it! Also nice to see DaisySP - do you have a patch.init() version of Jawari in the pipeline? :smiley:

My only feedback would be about UI - I would if you could make relationships a little more obvious. E.g.:

  • both clock in and trigger button do the same thing (I think) - could these be aligned / placed closer together?
  • Jawari CV sums with slider right? again maybe grouping them together might make this more obvious?

For both, I guess I’m thinking of that Mutable thing where things are aligned, with dashed line to indicate CV / Param relationships, e.g Mutable Instruments | Ripples

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Yep, I have versions for Patch.Init(), Versio, and Legio working! Currently running it on a Legio as it seems like the right form factor for it. I should upload those soon.

Thanks for the feedback about the UI, I think I do agree with you. Might need some rearranging to make those relationships more apparent.


updated builds on HiDrive


cool. I mainly meant that there are some obvious opportunities to make this code much faster. It can be easier when “someone else” wrote it.

Nice stuff.

here on Win11 it uses still around 6,3% that is much better,
but still a lot compared to other modules.

~3% here on linux. Sounds lovely :slight_smile:

Mine with WIN 10 is also around 6%

binary build update (commit)$


@abluenautilus If you find it helpful, I can help hook you up with a GitHub Actions script to automate building your plugin for all platforms every time you push to GitHub. I have been using it for my Sapphire plugin and it’s great. I found out about it from @baconpaul, who uses it for Surge XT. Also, @clone45 (Voxglitch) has been using it.

You get two benefits: you find out quickly if there is a build problem on any of the platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac), and you also get downloadable binaries for people to use, hosted by GitHub.

Just let me know if you are interested and I will submit a PR for you to try.


Credit should go to qno who really did all the lifting


Thank you, I will hit you up on Discord to talk more about this. Sounds great.