Purf patches - Intermission

I’m going to guess that those are plugins that implement “lights out” that way. A lot of ppl make their 2.0 modules glow like that when you turn down the room brightness.

Post. Audio amplitude drives the opacity of a blurred layer which is only the lights…


I love Aaron Static’s ChordCV. You use it to great affect. I like the 7th chords as they give that continual dissonance and tension that is unresolved.

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Man, awesome track. It almost has like a Boards of Canada kind of vibe. I love it.

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A first, timid approach to Dark Energy

A second one. Featuring more of the ~experimental~ removal of triggers from a rhythm’s grid.


Why wasn’t I informed about the existence of Teletype, I’d like to speak to the manager!!


The beta dev log

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Technically, it hasn’t even been announced yet. We’re getting close!

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Looking forward to it! Really opens up new ways to do things. New things.

(I had just come across Jakub Ciupinski’s video and given it a whirl and then, in a mood to share my excitement, found a thread on here from two years ago :slight_smile: )

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Tried this out this evening, Midinous and oh, man! Between watching Benn Jordan’s video about it and playing with it myself I spent like… dunno 45 minutes with the demo software, which I believe is limited to 30 nodes, full version is 20 eurobucks and yeah, I’ll definitely buy this. Nodes can be notes with all their properties, CC or logic gates and the thing is po•wer•ful! VCV in the background and everything is sequenced here:

get it here, yes, on Steam, the videogame platform :slight_smile:

Also, this from the other day, VCP challenge 75


Happy Drone Day!

A new recording from an old, revised v1 patch.


Hey @purf that midinous patch is awesome! Midinous looks cool, but I’m really interested to know how you got that “broken piano” sound? I love that. If it’s a closely guarded secret, you can just tell me to bugger off, I’d understand :wink:


Not entirely sure what you’re referring to but the voice that’s not chords is just this, respectively Arturia’s Tape Mello-Fi at the end of everything:

… and an occasional Chronoblob for the glitch-repeats.

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Oh cool, thanks, yeah it’s the tape mello-fi I hear. I thought it might have been a Rack module. And FM op into Stabile? I would never have thought of that. Nice. Anyway, incredible sound design man!

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Ambient ~hardware jam with MicroFreak and its new sample engine (Cloud grain) & Strega. VCV provides Opulus, Plateau and Valhalla Delay as well as one of the recordings I made in here

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Joining in on this Haiku challenge I saw at @ablaut 's.

Microfreak (same patch/instrument as above), XFX Wave, a field recording of distant traffic & Resonator.


Wonderful! Love the composition, everything is just in place.


Great work! :headphones:

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So, the new Synthesis Technology modules. And more Midinous (the videobit of it isn’t synced, no).


Another one of those, Naviar Haiku 494. Cloud Generator, Percussive Vibration and FM-OP into Resonator into Clouds, sequenced by Midinous.