Porting Squinky Labs to v2

Forgot to push the updated plugin.json. Done.

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Sorry, I meant that I have a couple of place, primarily the readme on squinkylabs github and the squinky labs facebook page, where I say “squinky labs will not be porting to v2”. But since you are, doing that, it seems like it would be more useful for customers if I linked to your repo where you are in fact doing that work.

Yes of course you can do. I had updated my Readme a bit and left the facebook link on it. I have made a lot of progress I think. Got a new one by the way that Seq++ is not doing much. Nice one to look at tonight.

Yeah, the port is really looking nice. super impressive. Let me know if you got any Q about Seq++. It’s super complicated (and rarely used - what a combination!). I’ll at least try it out now (if you aren’t familiar with it, it can be difficult to know if it’s working).

I downloaded a midi file and it plays it. Also the clicking with mouse and keyboard seems okay. The problem is maybe that you can’t see it is progressing. There is a purple line, but that is not moving. But, that is exactly the same as in the v1 version. As far as I can see it looks okay.

@robert.kock ok, retesting, still not sure what stupid thing I forgot to make it do a thing earlier. MIDI file sort of playing (only single channel)

if you turn on “scroll while playing” by pressing the scroll button then a cursor will march along. The purple line is the end of sequence. It does not have to be on a 4/4 bar boundary, but that’s what it defaults to. If you go to like bar 3 or 4 (or more) and put in some notes it will be a little more obvious what’s going on.

probably did not read the manual? it only imports one track.

MIDI file I/O

Seq++ will import and export standard MIDI file. This is an easy way to get track from another piece of software into VCV.

The MIDI file features are on the main context menu - the one you get when you right click on the panel (not the note-grid).

The import is very simple. It looks for the first track in the file that has notes on it, and imports the entirety of that track. It only imports notes, and ignores other MIDI data.

Export saves the entire (single) track in a type-0 MIDI file.

I sort of figured, I hadn’t used it for MIDI files, but I did in past play with programming some notes in and play them. Confirmation would have been easy as you say but I ended up doing other things, alas, all good, and no, like any self-respecting techie, RTFM only in utter emergencies :wink:

haha, yes, no problem. among its many flaws, Seq++ is just a module where you need to read the manual. If you don’t you will never know how to use the keyboard to enter notes, and are unlikely to know how to step record. Probably not likely to try out the “advanced” xform commands either.

I think when I put in midi file I/O (a year ago?) it was the only piano roll that had midi files. Since that time Entrian added that (and step record) and is now most people’s “go to” piano roll in VCV.

yeah, I am the ‘occasionally I use a seq(something) for pitch and possibly gate generation to try something out’ but my go to is usually a bunch of different dividers/Bernoulli gates, many clock signals and a bunch of smple and holds all running through Nysthi’s Poly Scala Quant to do the pitch/gate stuff, and take it from there :wink: So may just be a lot of my seq ignorance too, no worries, I was never the target audience for that anyhow :wink:

haha, for sure. Full disclosure, when I made it (started it early in v0.6) I thought “who is going to use this”, and of course realized a deterministic piano roll sequencer is not very “modular”, and daw users will prefer to user their DAW’s built in piano roll. So, my conclusion was “very few people will want to use this”. My consolation thought was “there is so much work in this that no other dev will do something this crazy!”. Of course even that proved to be untrue when @Richie made the Entrian sequencers. :wink:

yeah, some folks are wizzes at that, not me. I am perfectly fine with that…

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I’m, er, happy? to carry that baton, until the next person comes along…


I am kind of done with the port for now. This is the latest release I hope. All the displays, light buttons and lights look great now in the dark!

Release Release 2.0.5 · kockie69/SquinkyVCV-main (github.com)

Mac and Linux builds welcome, so I can add them to my release.

I started already with some new functionalities (build a polyphonic Shaper) which I am planning to release post V2 live date.


Hi Robert - I uploaded a Mac build to your issues.

Sorry just realised I should have used the old issue to do it rather than creating a new one.

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For anyone who is not checking on a regular base, the SquinkyLabs port has now arrived at version 2.0.10. It has all the new V2 features implemented ( backlights, bypassing, port labels etc) and has all the old functionality back in (like Hookup clocks).

Release Release v2.0.10 - Rack version 042a9ce0 · kockie69/SquinkyVCV-main (github.com)

I have also implemented github actions for my builds on Mac, win and linux so no need for anyone to build for me anymore on seperate platforms.


You’ve made a brilliant job of this port Robert - thanks for all your hard work.

Excellent Robert, thanks!