plugins that are questionable whether there will be V2 updates

Anyone know if Animated Circuits CZRider will go into V2, also the CZ Fold, Phase Czar [Mosquito Labs ?] :> they ever going to be in V2?

Mosquito Labs has a PR for v2 posted on GitHub, which can be built successfully.

I’m still waiting for a response from Animated Circuits re: CZRider etc.

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Thanks Steve, the build for Mosquito labs is as a vcvplugin or not? Animated Circuits would be good to get into V2, hopefully it might happen!?

Do you mean is there a release build? If so, then no; you have to build it yourself.

I have two of theirs that I assume came from the library. What’s missing?

These :


ah, ok. not the two that I have

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Alikins is back in Rack v2 as of 10 days ago, and can be taken off the list. Yay! Big thanks to @netboy3 for the port!


Lindenburg is coming too! The dev is going all out and is going to release an amazing-looking paid bundle

sorry guys for disappearing on y’all…

but i’ve finally merged @Steve_Russell’s updates and made a 2.0 release for both repelzen and wiqid anomalies. they’ve been submitted to the library, so should be included soon.

if anyone wants to join either project to ensure future development, i am totally open to that.

and in case i disappear again, my code is gpl-3+, so anyone is free to fork and continue.

happy patching!


Excellent news Ben and great to hear from you again! Hope you’ll stick around - I miss your Sunday streaming sessions on YT, patching Rack and chatting, that was fun :slight_smile:

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that was fun. a great deal of fun, really.

unfortunately, my connection has a tendency to randomly drop out for a bit, which makes livestreaming a frustrating experience, so i gave up on that. but i may try again, with the caveat that interruptions will be expected…


Great news Ben,

I hope you’re well.

Btw. can you provide a link to a win binary as long as the library doesn’t have the update? Thx



Thanks. It’s in the library now. A bunch of my old patches have Reburst into life again!

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i fixed up korfuri’s “WhatTheRack” plugin to build and work in v2, and have an active pull request with them, but they didn’t want to accept the changes because they don’t currently have a machine to test them. they asked if i’d like to adopt the plugin and i said i’d be interested but i still haven’t heard back from them.

in the meantime, there are win/linux/mac builds available in my forked repository releases section.

i’d appreciate any and all help in making sure the plugin works correctly for everyone, as i’m a beginner in the realm of Rack plugin development.


The license for those plugins says you may do whatever you want with them, as long as you change the name. Do these have a new name?

oh, i wasn’t aware i needed to do that. i thought since the author asked me if i’d want to adopt the plugin that meant the name as well. i’m happy to change the name, but it would also require changing the module designs, and i don’t know if i’m equipped to do that.

ah, don’t know what the author’s intent is. If this is a license violation I’m sure there is no harm intended. But it is a legal document, so it always pays to read it.

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of course you’re right. i’ve just emailed the author and asked for their advice or direction in the matter, and whether or not i’ll need to change the name and panel designs, or if there’s anything else i need to do in order to get it back into the library.

thanks for pointing out the licensing issue.