plugins that are questionable whether there will be V2 updates

I took my share offline, and it will not be back.
I don’t know if anyone else is hosting binaries.

The update is made here:

It builds and loads fine on my Mac. Maybe you or a friend can build it for you. It’s tricky sharing the builds because everytime someone does that they get told “you can’t do that” which is sad. So the un-official library of updated plugins is driven underground. If you’re on Mac you could DM me …


Any news about StochKit plugins? Their stuff is unique (Stitcher being maybe the craziest module I’ve ever seen in the Rack world).


They build and work with just a version bump.

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A make bumpbuild would be very useful for keeping the source unmodified, yet quite build-able. GPL-3+

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Then it’s just the makefile modifying the source (the manifest) rather than your own editor. Same difference.

I don’t think it involves distribution of modifications. Also I think such modules should be LGPL as technically the whole build and use includes Rack.

Someone will accidently push updates where as a grep/awk/sed on the .json by the build tool leaves such a thing impossible.

Hey Lars. Is there a Mac Plugin build available for the RJModules? The link points to a Master branch only right?

Big thanks for the update and to Steve for the work on Repelzen!


cvly is on its way


Yup, should be headed towards the library now.


Thanks John! A lot of people will be happy, including me.

Sorry - just a silly question - in the past, I’ve been adding comments to the existing issue in the Library repo when releasing a new version and someone from the library maintenance team has noticed, re-opened the issue and started work. Is this still the procedure? Should there be a new issue for each release (I doubt it, but worth checking)?


Same issue. Just send new branch/commit for your 2.x release and you should be good

I think it is, cshol normally opens the issue again,

I’m kind of sure that the procedure used to be, that you add your comment on the library issue and then re-open the library issue for the plugin as well. @cschol is that still the case or do people not need to re-open it themselves anymore? It’s for the Amalgamated Harmonics plugin here.

The procedure to update a plugin in the library is well documented and has never changed. As clearly written there, it only amounts to posting a comment on the existing plugin issue. The issue will be re-opened by the staff, handled and once successful (passed all checks, built properly and moved to updated status), closed.


Thanks, I stand corrected.

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Amalgamated Harmonics v2 is now in the library :guitar: Thanks John!

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