plugins that are questionable whether there will be V2 updates

changing a panel is not that hard, and there are plenty of people here who could assist

it’s not that it’s hard, so much as i’m not at all a design-oriented thinker… not very good with that stuff. my own plugin in the library is extremely minimal and hack-ish.

that’s my main concern with changing the panels; having to design new ones.

i like minimal. see my wiqid anomalies plugin.

but you could make a post looking for panel (re)design help or something like that

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oh nice, i actually have been using that plugin a lot over the last few days!

thanks for the tip. i’ll keep that in mind while i wait for the original author to respond to my email.


so the author replied. turns out the license doesn’t require a plugin name change… it was only referring to the license itself. I’m going to try and work out with them what i will need to do to take over the plugin and get it back in the library.

We are expecting a lot more modules out of alefnull, but not as many as from alefone. (math nerd joke)


hehehe good one :smiley:

i actually originally intended to name my plugins alef one, alef two, etc. but thought it was too on the nose :wink:


ok last update for now: korfuri has offered to give me maintaner access to their original repo so i can just push changes there directly, and hopefully reuse their original Rack library issue to push updates to the library. once that happens i’ll push my latest changes and try submitting it to the library. here’s hoping :crossed_fingers:


Is there any progress with the XOR modules?

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May never see the light of day as the original owner is long gone and the most recent fork hasn’t been updated in over a year. Filipe has forked it for Cardinal but has yet to update it. Without any sort of contact, a VCV fork won’t be accepted to the library.

The Font is not suitable to distribute though. It doesn’t have a valid open license to just share as you want afaict.

The font license is a bit ambiguous, but it does say:

Thank you for download my product.
This product 100% free for personal use & commercial use

File include : 

1. Fonters.ttf
2. Fonters.otf

Sorry but this is not a valid font license that anyone recognizes and cannot be used for any such distributables.

WTFPL is at least a valid source license (ostensibly just means “public domain”)

I’m sure you are right, but could you explain that? do you mean because it doesn’t give explicit redistribution permission? That could be a problem, I see… But, I don’t know, I’d be inclined to redistribute anyway. Doesn’t sound like someone who is going to appear, lawsuit in hand.

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does this mean i should go and remove the font files from the repository? honestly i didn’t even notice there were font files there to begin with. i just made the code changes necessary to build for v2.

in another related update, if i’m reading things correctly, i believe my changes have been accepted and WhatTheRack should be available in the next library update.


Ideally you either find/request a valid font license (check what other open fonts use) or find a replacement font that has such a clear license that makes it suitable as open distributable file.

Yes, it is in the build queue.

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I thought netboy was working with the dev to take it over? Will be such a shame if it’s gone forever, it was an incredible collection.

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WrongPeople has shown signs of life, by merging the Sumpygump “update to v2 pull request” - but still no v2 binaries or library submission AFAIK.

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