plugins that are questionable whether there will be V2 updates

Windows 10. Yes, I did the plugin.json version change and got four modules to work. But if either re-win or re-mix are in the build VCV crashes when I open the module browser. Again, I’m a beginner at all of this. Looking forward to your build!

No, the creator of them @ablaut (together with @pyer ) has previously said he would update them to v2. No timeline given though and he has been absent for a while.

Sounds like something is not up to date in your build toolset chain/environment. I get no crashes on Windows.

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Any news on Blamsoft? XFX is the one I really dearly miss. And I certainly wouldn’t mind getting the reverb and filter back!


Not that I’m aware - I emailed a while back but no answer as yet.

Would be a real shame if Blamsoft never made it to v2


I’ll be missing XFX Wave also very badly.

I did a some searches and found out that:

  1. Last presence on social media by Blamsoft was around summer last year on twitter but account now deleted.
  2. Websit not updated the past 2 years
  3. Company Blamsoft inc, Spokane WA was dissolved September 3rd 2019
  4. NO trace of either Andrew Best (former CEO) or Ryan Best (agent) of Blamsoft inc.
  5. Cant find any repo on github either (I thought i read somewhere here that Blamsoft made their plug-ins public)

They made them free (they were previously commercial), the source remained closed though.

Not many positive signs in that list…

I also emailed them a few days ago. No response so far. I guess the problem is that they used some code, they also use in commercial software, so they don’t want to make it open source. On the other hand, it does not bring them any revenue to update the free plugins.

I mentioned in the email that it should that some of us could help under a non-diclosure agreement or similar. Let’s see whether there will be any response.



any word on amalgamated harmonics?


Poking again at the same bear, any news on Axioma ? I miss Tesseract dearly, and also Ikeda… Beside that V2 is AWESOME.

PR posted Pull requests · wiqid/repelzen · GitHub

Windows build: Windows test build of v2 migration PR (includes iggylabs' PR) · Issue #1 · SteveRussell33/repelzen · GitHub


Here’s a link to the Lomas github issue where I posted a V2 built plugin for all three platforms. I’ve also posted a PR for the dev that adds a few more fixes to the one that @steve did in the hopes that the dev will merge and push to the library. Until then, enjoy the one above.


I completed the V2 port of alto777_LFSR and qwelk. They needed a bit more then just a manifest change, but nothing major. I’ve posted PRs for both devs in the hopes they’ll merge and push to the library. Until then, I’ve posted V2 pre-built binaries for all platforms in each of the respective github repos. You can get to them here: alto777_LFSR and qwelk.


That’s great news. I’ll find some time to play around with them tomorrow.

Guess you’re right about something being messed up in my build environment; the same thing happens when I make your v2 migration and another single module project that I tried to build. Builds ok but again, VCV crashes in the module browser.

So what I did was to try to build a single module (Plurm) which - of course - crashed. Then I installed it from the library. I opened up both plugin.dll’s in dependencies and saw a glaring difference. Unlike the release plugin, there is this reference to libgcc_s_seh-1.dll


Any clue what to do next? Some configuration change? Discord a better place to hash out this kind of stuff?

this is what i used before rewin. its pretty close.

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That’s a DLL that’s part of GCC compiler toolset.

How often do you update your buildchain? Use pacman -Syuu and see if any packages need updating. You should be using GCC v11.2

$ g++ --version
g++.exe (Rev3, Built by MSYS2 project) 11.2.0
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Thanks, yeah, I regularly update with -Syu did it yesterday. Saw your reply and did it again. I was at g++.exe Rev2 11.2.0 Rev2. Just did -Syuu and got a few updates and went to G++ Rev 4. But it also updated these components, and I was hopeful:

gcc-libs (11.2.0-1 → 11.2.0-2)
mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-libs (11.2.0-2 → 11.2.0-4)
mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake (3.22.0-2 → 3.22.1-1)
mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc (11.2.0-2 → 11.2.0-4)

But I did a build, same deal with the DLL. Same crash.

I did a build of @ Steve_Russell versions of Repelzen modules for Mac, since there was only a Windows build:

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