hello everybody !
I just discover an amazing software for graphics performances call TouchDesigner (thanks LarsBjerregaard for the https://community.vcvrack.com/t/deadmau5-playing-with-rack-and-touchdesigner/645)
As i play arround with this software, i discover a perform mode wich is describe here around 4min40
So i was thinking that maybe it can be a good implementation in vcv such a things like that.
To explain deeper my thought, this perform mode could work like this :
- a vcv option/button can launch the mode.
- a windows appears, wich is diffferents from the current windows (in the new windows, there will be no cables or modules)
- a set of knobs, slides, buttons can drive specifics parameters of the current patch.
- this sets of knobs is chose by the user in the patch (i don’t know, maybe a bit like the Umap from stoermelders module)
One advantage with this feature is that you cannot change accidently a parameter from the patch, and be more focus on the songs.
And to dream a bit more, if after this, it could be possible to make it independant from the vcv sofware (i mean if it can be launch like a little sofware making sounds) it could be awesome !
Anothers way to see it is to compare with the Nord Modular in wich one you make your patch and then launch it in the keyboard.
Well i hope you will understand this big post with my very poor english.
I hope to that it is in the good section, and maybe i should post a request on Github, but i was not sure and i wanted to share this idea (or maybe there is already a discussion about this, but i could’nt find it)
Have a good week end