Marc Boulé's Impromptu music thread

Wow, your Foundry skills are way more solid than mine, I have to get used to sequence outside a piano roll Soothing music, pianoteq’s celesta is great for that


me every morning : “don’t buy host… don’t buy host… don’t buy host… don’t…”

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@Squinky I’m not sure, since I think people come to virtual modular for many different things, one of which is to patch up and synthesize sounds themselves and explore the foundations of sound generation, but lately in my case, I find myself wanting to focus more on arrangement and composition and less on patching, but I like the visual layout of modular and the workflow of my sequencer, hence my unorthodox patch.

@Eurikon good eye my friend! :slight_smile: Var (and Sygen also) are two new little utilities I made in the last update. I wanted to simplify little setups that I was always patching together with multiple modules.

@LarsBjerregaard thanks Lars! What fascinates me about this type of music is how people can compose such beautiful melodies with so few notes… minimalism at its best!

@emmanuelsynthetiseur Perhaps having spent a few months coding Foundry gives me an unfair advantage for using it! :wink: Glad you liked the piece, and yes, do buy Host! :stuck_out_tongue: When it came out I was a bit worried about it spoiling the virtual modular paradigm, but I have long since given up that view and I have transitioned to realizing that there’s no right and wrong in music, and eveyone should simply use the best tools for their workflow and taste. It’s a tough line to straddle though, as it’s also true that limitations breed creativity, so perhaps I should end this long-winded reply with the often heard saying that the only rule is that there are no rules. :slight_smile:


Oui m’enfin si tu triches aussi… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, and I totally agree. I just know what I will do if I get Host, and I had some, let’s say, painful moments with regular DAWs. And from the moment I get it, I’m really afraid I’ll lose the thing that drives me to test every module and to scratch my head to be creative and achieve music with defined limits. My own, and VCV’s, as this is what I really like when I use it

Once I put a Knifonium and some Eventide in the signal, I know I can stay creative and take the opportunity to merge both worlds but I’m really afraid to lose that creativity, by losing the limits.

My current issues are mixing and mastering inside VCV, I find this very entertaining ; for now it’s bad, I can’t find the right dynamics processing combo to achieve high LUFS without too much harmonic distortion but I’ll get there, and the day I can use my VSTs, I’m afraid too to stick to my habits and use VCV like any DAW.

But, that said, once I tried all the things I wanted to try before getting Host, I’ll get Host cuz I miss my Knifonium in there

That said, I’m out, I need to work on my Foundry skills :eyes:

Edit : I, once again, just butchered english language. Corrected

what I love in VCV is that I can I had some

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It’s about time I made some music with ShapeMaster, it was only the hardest thing I ever coded in my life! Thanks to @dan.tilley for the ending image.


I love it! The music and the idea of the developer using their own tools to make beautiful music.


How did you know?

Very nice Marc!

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I knew because I was considering abandoning the project even after many months invested in the coding of it, which I found very telling, since I hate wasting time/effort (who doesn’t!). I was ready to throw in the towel after hitting a wall with the clock sync on ShapeMaster-Pro. But with Steve’s amazing patience/persistence and great teamwork we got through it! It was harder for me than the code I developed in my PhD research project on assertion-based hardware verification (which is unfortunately not open source).


Over the years, I have done many projects that I feel would have been worthy of a PhD… usually just for fun :wink:

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Sorry I wasn’t clear.

I meant how did you know about our suppressed harp fondness.

Your Favorite Pedals on Harp! - YouTube

Glad to hear you were able to get some help and make it through though!

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In this piece I wanted to try to create an ambient pad with Organteq, which is definitely overkill for this, but it was a fun experiment nonetheless :slight_smile:


Sounds cinematically good!


Thanks Ken!

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Hi Marc,

I was checking out your video remake of Barbieri’s Chrono 2 and I was wondering if you could send me the VCV Rack preset for that, since I am a big fan of Caterina and I am trying to learn VCV Rack.

Hi, just sent via messaging, cheers!


Minimal-beat ambient space music, recorded in the outer rim of the VCV galaxy. Thanks to @ablaut and his piece called Morning Glow for the inspiration that led to this; may the contagion continue onto others…


Beautiful! Probably not got the same VSTs as you… but the patch, is it available to play around with?

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Thanks ady, I’ll message you the link, cheers!

Thank you! You are a star!