Jim Frye - Ambient

Great stuff Jim! Love it.

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Hi Ady34, Thank you! I learned this trick from Leonardo himself, when he posted how to do it on the facebook page. Here is a screen-cap of the patch. Two Vorg filters, a HP then a LP. It works well with some other sound sources too, but Caudal really makes the screams happen. The speed knob changes the frequency of the screams. It’s terrifying at normal speed, and really cool slowed down too. Hope this helps!


This ‘screamy thing’ is very fun to play with @veryfungi , made myself a Strip preset for that as a sound design droplet

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Thanks once again. Unfortunately I never bought Vorg but I do have Freak in both versions. So is it possible to show me the settings on Freak Vorg mode instead of Vorg itself?

How can you have Freak but not have Vorg? They are both part of the Vult Compacts

Whoops just looked again, I do have Vorg, I was mixing up Vorg and Vortex!


I have a few videos to add on here… I don’t know how I got so far behind. Yikes.

Best when using headphones in a quiet room. Imagine two guitars in a large room playing a melody, but every 4th bar one of them changes some of their melody. There’s also a slowly meandering lead voice popping in as well. Pretty mellow.

This is a dark ambient mechanical thick industrial feedback rich soundscape made for the headphones. Created using VCV Rack eurorack simulator, and only two voices. The sounds are generative and evolve on their own without much human interaction. Sounds like a Les Paul in a train wreck in a cave at night wearing sunglasses.

Moody, mellow, cyber-instrumental ambient with pseudo repeatable random melodies, and some modulation, driven primarily by Frozen Wasteland’s Seeds of Change modules.

It’s a mellow jam where the bass and lead trade and combine riffs. It’s basically two Palette oscillators in inharmonic string modeling mode. The lead runs through Vult Flame and Jorus. Supercell in spectral clouds mode ads in some eerie pseudo vocals. All of the melody notes and triggers are coming from Orange Line Dejavu.

Three space robots walked into a bar and started playing this. This is a slow but groovy rhythm using Palette, a clone of Mutable Instruments Plaits for the guitar voices. Vult Flame adds the Marshall stack character. VCV Delay and an LFO creates a killer reel flanging effect. Squinky Labs Seq++ provides the backing rhythm, and Vult Anima creates the lead gates and notes. Robot sounds created by Clouds in Pitch shifter / Time stretcher mode.


Hate to sound cheeky but are the patches available to play around with? For these latest wonders, like the last 2 the best! I love how easy Palette can produce a good tune, Much appreciated.

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Awesome stuff Jim! Love the sound and rhythm of the latest, space robot jam. Great job on that one.

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Man, some great music there. But I absolutely love “Less Crazy Now”.

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Thanks Auretvh, It’s special to me as it reflected my feelings at the conclusion of a very stressful time in my life.

Thanks Lars, Luckily I have not had to refund anyone’s money… :smiley:

cut/paste “If you do not slightly tap your foot or rock your head in time to this rhythm then you will receive all of your money back! I’m not kidding. If you like and subscribe I will give you double your money back.”

Hi Ady34, I will try. I’m really strapped for time, but I will try to add them to my patchstorage account. Thanks!

Thank you, wherever you are ready.

Those space robots came back and brought their cool space ship…


I added this to Patchstorage. I will try to go back and add my others.


Thank you.

Here’s links to the free vst plugins you used in host:

4front Bass


thanks, I added them to the patchstorage page!

Love that voice on track 05 with the glides. Nice to hear you back Jim!

Thanks Lars, when I added that voice I though, ok, ready to record. :smiley:

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