Is it best for plugin "brands" to have a single announcement thread?

someting like this could work

new updates in the first post!! a link to the first post

ah, I see know. thanks.

Go on edit the top post here you know you want to :grin:

actually when re-visiting a post/thread you visited before, automatically you will start at it’s first new reply.
alternatively one can remind/point out to readers that they can subscribe to the thread, which will result in same + they get notified.

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I am finding that for sure with the announcement threads of us “old timers” getting so long that people are missing things. Given that few readers subscribe or keep 100% up to date, users of my plugins will often come into the middle of a very long thread and not bother so scroll all the way down.

I first realized this when someone who is a heavy user of my software missed an announcement and didn’t know a feature had been added.

In order to be heard, I would like to try something different: a) Perhaps just use Facebook for announcements? Messages have much better reach there, and don’t require that you keep updating an old post with new info. b) Delete my current announcement thread so I will be able to open a new, relevant one. c) Other?

c) edit the top post

When a top post is updated new and old users to the thread see this post regardless of reading the whole thread or not. When the title is updated it looks like a new thread for all intensive purposes.

To me, the definition of an “announcement” is clear. An announcement might be something you see in an ad or news article. It might be the title of an event or talk. It’s something you “announce” on an intercom system.

A reply is not any of those things. A reply should be posted as a reply to the announcement thread. Conversely, an announcement should not be posted as a reply to an announcement thread.

Which post did you see when you clicked into the topic? Presuming you clicked / visited this topic before.

What topic? This thread?


This one: Is it best for plugin "brands" to have a single announcement thread? [edit] Why do you ask?

Okay also presuming you where not in the thread just now… And now? I’ve edited the top post.

When a user clicks on any thread, they are directed to the first unread post in that thread. If a user has not read any posts, they are directed to the first post.

So you didn’t see the top post again?.. If not, It didn’t used to be this way, when the top post was edited it would go to this rather than last unread post. I distinctly remember this on Blamsoft v1 beta’s, these posts were edited from the original post with each beta release.

Also to note when I visited this thread just now I was presented with the top post, even though I have posted in the thread: ‘the post at the top of the page was is latest b10.’

As far as I’m concerned, if you post something on Facebook, you’re screaming it to a void that refuses to show me anything unless I provide a login I will never create.

So far in my thread I’ve been editing the OP with a change log, the OP title with the name of the latest module (so people notice something is new), and in the OP, I added a little " [ Jump to the release post in this thread > ]" link for every module mentioned. Seems to work out OK?

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Certainly, use Announcements for any announcements you have, as long as it follows Rules for Announcements category, i.e. relevant and professional.

Announcements doesn’t either. Who said you have to update old posts with new info?

I don’t understand why you would need to do this. Just open a new thread, no need to delete anything.

I have no idea where you’re getting the idea that announcement threads have to be long. If you’re a plugin developer, create a new announcement whenever you announce something. If you’re a user, post a comment if you have questions/comments about the announcement. Simple as that, no need to make it more complicated than it is.

Announcements should be like reading a newspaper. Only the top post really matters, everything else is just chatter. For example, VCV Chords released doesn’t have too many comments, but it has 700 views. If you scatter your announcements at post #42 and #112 of an enormous thread, nobody’s going to see it.


So I think the conclusion is that @Vortico sees nothing wrong with making a whole new announcement for new things, whereas before we had an informal agreement to try not to do that.

But I think those of us who have lots of announcements feel the old agreement doesn’t work so well, and that @Vortico is probably correct here.

Is that a fair summary?


Fair enough, lots of people don’t like FB. Anecdotally I would say I reach 20 to 100 times as many people with a FB post, so it would be silly for me not to post there.

There needs to be further discussion on it but for now yes. My concern is that a few years down the line there will be many superfluous topics in announcements that will have to be cleaned up.

There must be a more elegant solution than posting individual topics for each announcement especially if an announcement is for the same plugin pack, but at this time there is no back-end to accommodate announcements in a way that users see everything and is clean / balanced. Iv’e a few ideas regarding this that will probably be discussed in the staff category when Andrew has the time.

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News articles are never “cleaned up”. You can read NYTimes articles from 1851 here, and not a word has changed since they were published.