How accurate are the module clones compared to their hardware versions to the people who used them?

I’m curious about the hardware cloned filters & oscillators. How accurate are they compared to analog or digital modules they imitate?

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How best to operationalize “accuracy” in this instance? Comparing oscilloscope outputs? Blindfold A/B ear test? UI comparisons?

A/B ear tests actually. Sonics/organic appeal/hardware crispness & presence/fidelity.

I would think it would totally depend on the module you are talking about. Some plugins are detailed models of the analog stuff, some are just generic digital modules with a pretty faceplate.

If you get specific we can speak to it. The Wasp filter for instance seems very close and sounds great. The dotcom stuff sounds unique in the rack and that’s interesting enough for me. Hemmer puts a lot of work into porting Befaco with as much accuracy as possible. He also does the Bastl additions, which are digital anyway, so they are basically identical. Loopop did a nice video comparing the mutable stuff with the VCV clones, again digital so identical.


Glad to know about the Hemmer and as for VCV I watched the review but didn’t thoroughly test the Mutable that’s not on the review. How are those? How about the Synthesis Technology modules? They look the same as the real modules, but how do they sound?? :slightly_smiling_face:

Rings is dead on. I tried hard to find differences with the hardware, but it was super close if not indistinguishable.

This post made me think of the Audible Instruments Random Sampler bugs. An incorrect note in the pentatonic scale, and some outputs being unipolar when they should be bipolar. Wondered if it ever got fixed.

Not in the Library but there is a version …

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oh cool! do I need to remove the other before installing this one? thanks!

No, just put the .vcvplugin file in your plugins-win-x64 folder and start rack.(or mac or arm or lin)

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Sanguine Mutants Marmora includes those fixes as well, if any are missing let me know.


I wanted to let you know it isn’t showing up in windows 11 VCV Rack. It created the folder and everything, but the modules do not show up. I guess I can just delete the folder? thanks anyway. :slight_smile:

You can delete the folder, but you’re doing something wrong…

When you start rack and go to “open user folder”


It will take you here :


now open that plugins-win-x64 folder and put the file you downloaded from,

the one with win-x64 at the end, in that folder ( you do not have to make a folder)

Close Rack , start Rack and the …-win-x64.vcvplugin file should be gone from the folder.

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Thanks for your reply. I did that, and the file is removed after a restart, but there’s no other changes. I thought it created a folder, but I don’t even see a new folder for the hemmer version to live. and the modules don’t show up. could it be a permission thing, cause this is a new computer? thanks again.

to further clarify, it did create a audible instruments folder, but in VCV when I add a module all of the audible instruments modules it shows says VCV is the author.

But what is the version number ?

If it’s 2.1.0 you did everything right if 2.0.0 it didn’t update.

Well shut the front door! It was there all along. I just thought it was still the old version… hangs head in shame… I will go away now. Sorry for the trouble. Thanks again!

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BTW you also have “Peaks” now

Nice for drums :wink:

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Sorry, but were to find this peaks module?