Will Marbles ever get fixed?

Sure but it’s generally not desired if something is quantised to a scale though?

who is to say? They clearly think otherwise.

How it exactly quantizes, depends on the Steps knob position, as the manual explains :

So, it’s a (semi-)continuous control over what set of notes is used. But in any case, the code that is currently in the Audible Instruments module seems to be wrong, as it assigns a too large weight for the A note in what is supposed to be the C minor scale.


I apologize for my poorly thought out post going from memory. It should have been titled Differences between Marbles hardware and VCV rack.

I’m willing to give you the benefit if the doubt! It sounds like the differences are probably unintentional. For sure increasing the amount of A natural in a C minor scale is controversial, at best.

Hi Jim. The patches are not identical. For one thing you have the Spread knob in a position that will allow more different notes through than the original/hardware patch. Apart from that, there’s clearly a bug in the code as shown further up. Apart apart from that I have found numerous ways that Marbles differ from the hardware in the VCV version. Probably the price of “free”.

Hi Lars! well maybe not identical, but close enough for my purpose. I actually figured out what was happening after making this post. So yeah, the hardware apparently can set the X outputs to 0-2vdc while the Y output is set to +/-5v.

The minor scale thing is clearly a mistake, but easy to fix with an external quantizer.

I don’t care if it gets fixed really. I’m very happy to have had the chance to play with these modules, as having access to the real hardware would be impossible. I just wanted to be able to follow online tutorials and it’s not always going to work out. Thanks for the reply.

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Reading the Marbles manual again to refresh my memory. The X output is discussed in one section and the Y output in another. The X outputs are effected by the Output voltage range button. The Y output is as follows.

" The Y generator, by default, is a smooth, full-range (-5V to +5V), random source that is clocked at 1⁄16 the rate of X2. These settings can be modified by holding the button [N] and adjusting RATE (division factor relative to X2, from 1⁄64 to 1), SPREAD, BIAS and STEPS while the button is held. The Y output is never affected by the DEJA VU settings."

I believe the Y output should remain at +/-5v regardless of the Output range button. Talk me out of it… :slight_smile:

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Yeah, like I said - numerous ways that Marbles differ from the hardware in the VCV version. It looks like most bug-reports and pull-requests for AI aren’t being picked up. If they were I would be tempted to go on a bug-fixing spree, because I’d really like them to work like the hardware. But I don’t think Andrew has the time. Not complaining, just how it is.


Did it ever get fixed? Seems it had an update in Nov 2021.

do you know where to find the change log? I don’t think it’s fixed…

Doesn’t look like it https://github.com/VCVRack/AudibleInstruments/blob/v2/src/Marbles.cpp

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Here we are in 2024. Y output still only outputting 0v to +5 V. Still steppy by default. Looks like they never fixed the minor scale bug either. Too bad nobody has forked/fixed (I can’t as I hav e0 coding skills), or cloned the module and gotten it working correctly.

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Maybe @hemmer could take a look at these 2 things ?

Incoporated patches by @Jens.Peter.Nielsen and github user eggix, take a look.

I can attempt a PR to try and merge this back (without Peaks) but can’t promise anything there.


Wow, just wow thanks for this, and within 1 day of my request (to have a look at it), just amazing. Love having the variable step length back I was using the Xenakios version on V1 that had 2 breakout knobs (see pic)

But this eggix pull is so much better/nicer.



Look what just happened :grinning:

Nice! Hopefully this will be heading to the library soon? Or will it be manual install only?

So far only manual install.