Envelope module with "Lag" feature?

Hello everyone,

I’m currently going through and making list of every feature I would like to see in software synthesis. VCV pretty much ticks every box, with the exception of intuitiveness (as with anything fully modular). My question, is there a envelope module in VCV rack that would have the “Lag” feature? I own over a dozen synth vst, and only two have this feature, Synthmaster and Diva. Basically, it just smooths the sharp angles of the envelope.

Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

SURGE XT EG x VCA has options for analogue (smoother) or digital.


Yes. great envelope from SurgeXT. It is a really nice feature that you can adjust the envelope slopes. But I’m referring to something different. Lag will curve the sharp angles of envelope (eg. tip top of the attack phase), as opposed to the slope up/down.

Diva’s Init preset (start-up sound) uses it, and when I try to recreate the sound in other synths, I could never get it exactly. It ended up being, that Lag was the reason why.

Check out the Smooth control on ShapeMaster?


filter the adsr out with lag/SLEW processor (like µSlew )


Yup, appropriately adjusted slew does similar.


Yes! That’s it. Thank you guys.

Another tick box checked for VCV! Thanks for the help.


Can also put the envelope through a (low pass) filter for the same kind of effect:

vcf slew.vcv (1.1 KB)

Putting the envelope through a high pass or band pass filter can get interesting as well.


the slew limiter is a low pass filter ! :smiley:


That makes total sense as well. See, I would never of thought of suolutions like this. But, yes. That seems to do the same thing.

Yes, I was just being cheeky! :smiley:


Check out Bog Audio’s slew module as well, it gives you cv over the slew (rise and fall) times which can open up a lot of creative potential. Similar to Joranalogue’s Contour One (hardware), a favorite module of mine.



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Yep. Already in my library just waiting for me to discover. A special thanks if you’re the dev. It’s really great what you guys do.

Reading through the Shapemaster manual, it also has “Slew” control which seems to be closer to lag.

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Oh, don’t get me started on BogAudio. Absolutely adore those envelopes. That “retrig- Resume attack” switch was exactly what I was looking for when I needed it. This is another feature that is on my list, and unbelievably enough, it is a feature that is forgotten in so many synth vsts. MX and SM are basically the ONLY two I own with this feature. Crazy.


Oo, haven’t tried that one yet! Thanks for the tip, a lifetime is needed to explore this stuff.

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You ain’t lying. I’ve bit off more than I can chew by subscribing to 1400 modules in my library. More than a lifetime.:laughing:

The resume attack retrig is something like that of old synthesizer envelopes controlled by capacitors. Wherein capacitors do not have the capability of releasing all voltage instantly, the envelope of the next note played resumes the state of the last notes envelope as opposed to starting it over. Very handy in some of my expressive saxophone and brass type patches, monophonic.


One that distorts if the two slopes are set differently.


If you need a delay at the start of the envelope, Bogaudio has a couple of DAD(H)SR envelope modules

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