Effects Patches

Hi Ady, happy new year to you too.

If I understand you correctly you are looking for a delay/echo with a set amount of repeats rather than a feedback which slowly fades out the repeats. In terms of hardware that would be most likely a tape delay with multiple play heads and that can be found as a module already in Nysthis “NYECHOecoeco” and “Jira Jira Echo”.

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Thank you Mo, I have used them in the past but never got the desired results, are there ‘ideal’ settings to get that effect? I’ll set up a patch and try some vocal samples through both and see which works the best.

A looping and Tape combo using Luppolo 3 trk and Ahornberg’s Tape recorder modules:

Loopers n mayhem tapes.vcv (7.9 KB)

Stream Adrian Bottomley | Listen to Looper and Tape Mayhem [Virtual mind] playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Also Nysthi’s NYEchoecho doing it’s thing:

Reso to NYEcho echo.vcv (5.7 KB)

NYEchoecho - Scratching The Surface Of Disaster by Adrian Bottomley (soundcloud.com)

Nysthi’s Jira Jira doing nice things to AI’s Resonator strings:

Reso To Jira Jira Looper Bass To Guitar by Adrian Bottomley (soundcloud.com)

Most of my old pots are “fixed” completely by spraying in some Radio Shack contact cleaner (or some equivalent. It’s not usually rot, but dirt that is the culprit.

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Hi ! About effect patches, I was looking for an audio pitch shifter to put in a delay loop, or in a reverb for some sort of shimmer effect, what module could do that ? I was thinking maybe using a clock multiplier / divider, but it does not work with high notes (length of the gate being a problem) and also you loose any timbre, you get a pulse wave so…

My frequency shifter might work. Being a freq shifter and not a pitch shifter it will be very out of tune for large shifts, but for small ones it might work fine. It does not mute the sound or have any latency.

NYSTHI has one too


He posted a link to the most recent version

NYSTHI v2.1.19 release - #555 by synthi

Thanks, I had not figured out how the shift value works in the Nysthi one, it can indeed give me an octave or two up, or one down. Perfect ! The Booty Shifter is the one I use for more crazy style freq shifting, indeed.

But it will do very small shifts. Just sayin……

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And this:

Module similar to Valhalla Shimmer? - #16 by ablaut

Of course, clouds !! Thank you !

shift works by rate (iirc)

1.0 —> same pitch

2.0 —> 1 octave up

4.0 —> 2 octave up

0.5 —> 1 oct down

hi here is my current version of a shimmer reverb (bottom line in the patch) i made with the RSC reverb and PS (pitch shifter) form dbRackModules (indeed originally i built these modules also for this purpose).

The feedback loop is made with Fundamental modules and the Plateau Reverb is behind (for diffusion).

It shows also the SuperLFO used as normal oscillator. The chords are randomly “played” with RndC by attenuating voices in the VCA.



Well a fine collection of modules you have created for us all. Well done, the Genetic Super Terrain looks super interesting. Gonna go explore that now.

Hmm, the Genetic Super Terrain only seems to work for a 2mins then cuts out, also the Out R does not seem to be working, I am on Windows using Version 2.014 of Rack. Oh dear!

It seems to be sending a stereo signal to the left channel from the Left Out and from the Right Out;

macOS Catalina 10.15.7

In the MindMeld mixer, the L input is for mono signals (which become stereo as they pass through the pan knob) or for the left channel of a stereo signal. The R input is for the Right channel of a stereo signal only. A track is disabled (to save CPU) if there is no L input (which is what is happening in your grabs above)

If you want a mono signal to be only in the right channel, plug it into the L input and pan it fully right.

if you want to compare the left and right outputs of this GST modules, plug the L & R outputs into the L inputs of two different channels on MM and pan one hard left and the other hard right.

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Sure, that’s how almost all audio devices work. But I wonder if there is a cool way to use the new port tooltips to message this back to the user?

Or have an input port light up red if only R is patched?

Btw. i did not mention it in the manual yet: The difference between left and right is, that the curve is traversed backwards for the right channel, this makes the more or less stereo sound depending on the terrain under the curve.

That true for almost all decent mixers, right? I guess for the nerds you can document if it’s -3 or -6 in the middle.

Yeah left is usually mono isn’t it? I thought that’s some kind of convention.

Anyway, here’s one of the versions of my effects ‘morphing’ idea. It’s work in progress really, this one is patched with a Sussudio for trying out different sounds but I’ll probably use it for live input when it’s finished. The idea is there’s a few different effects (resonators, delay/flanger, phasers, ring modulation and comb filters). The Transit module slowly changes a few parameters simultaneously and also cross fades between different effects using the Submarine cross fader. Another version cross-fades mod sources in as well, for example between LFOs/S&H.

PS. This was in v1.6 because Masarti doesn’t seem to be in v2 yet and I couldn’t find another comb filter that was exactly the same.

VORTEX V2.vcv (115.2 KB)

I’ll do an audio example when I get a chance, the question is what else could I add? Some different filters maybe, granular stuff, frequency shifters? A looping section to capture interesting transitions? I’m trying to think of some effects I haven’t done before!

Wahey here we go Vortexing again like some did in 1980-90s{?} Hope this works without a real guitar? Usual swap of VCV Sound sources-Resonator or any VCO? Give it a good workout!

A load of piano samples were bounced in Nysthi’s Sussudio module and then mutilated using Multi fx section. Enjoy my lovelies!

VORTEX V2 - Piano by Adrian Bottomley (soundcloud.com)