DanTModules New Releases Thread

wowww, great chrome effect!

Definitely looks like some sort of Space Modulator :slight_smile:

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This should now be corrected by the newest version which adds auto-panic to preset loading



v2.4.32 is available now, it includes 139 colour presets for Chromagica, and a new Lock RGB option for ChromaKey


I am preparing some additional documentation and videos etc, will hopefully release them soon

Here is a little screenshot of the new visual rings on Chromagica

They are lights too :bulb:


New version just pushed to the library which includes a new module Purfenator :eyes: @purf hi there :wave:

I created a feedback thread for the new module DanT: Purfenator



(a shame that .gifs don’t work)

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v2.4.35 has just been pushed to the library, this update is just for the Purfenator module, please see the dedicated feedback thread for more info.

  • Fixed a crash on exit bug
  • Fixed skiff depth not saving
  • Adds option to turn off the Title
  • Adds option to make the inside of the skiff a different colour to the bezel and sides
  • Adds option to scale the background image
  • Adds option to turn off background image tiling
  • Changes solid colour background to be drawn on top of the image background and add an Alpha slider control; this means the colour background can be used to tint the image background

v2.4.36 has just been pushed to the library with more updates to Purfenator:

  • Added image validation to prevent a crash bug when transferring patches or removing images.
  • Reconfigured the right-click context menu.
  • New title options, you can now scale and colour the title.
  • Colour background can now be a two tone linear gradient.
  • Background image can now be under the colour background (for tinting and desaturation) or on top of the colour background (for when using images with transparency).
  • Background images now have much more control over positioning: You can anchor the image to any screen edge, offset the image height and width, and offset the image from the anchor.
  • Multimode Skiff Boxes! When enabled, this will split the single box that encompasses all modules, into multiple skiff boxes. It can be split vertically by any empty row, or horizontally based on a HP threshold, gaps larger than the threshold will begin a new skiff.

Shameless Self-Promo Warning

This year I want to try to stay fully engaged with my plugin development.

The success of my recent MOAR COWBELL! and Purfenator modules and the community feedback was great and it gave me high motivation to continue and to do more.

In an effort to sustain this feeling, I have created a more formal way for users to give feedback. Yes, it does involve money, but it is the minimum required to make this work, I think.

I will treat this as an experiment initially and see what the engagement is like, maybe it will work out, maybe it won’t. One thing is for sure, the low bar to beat is zero in donations since the inception of my plugin :money_mouth_face:

Please take a look if you feel so inclined

Edit: I made a post to explain how the membership works

Edit again: This is the milestone for what I am working on in January (so far) 2.4.37.beta.01 Milestone · GitHub

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My VCV is downloading v2.4.37 from the library, but I get the following error in my log file when it tries to extract the new plugin version:

[4.117 warn src/plugin.cpp:230 loadPlugin] Could not load plugin D:/Users/david/Documents/Rack2/plugins-win-x64/DanTModules: Plugin defines module SeizureTrigger but it is not defined in manifest

Good pitch!

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Does anyone else have this issue?

I cannot reproduce nor see any reason why this would happen either in my local code or the GitHub repo.

My only guess is something out of sync with the library, maybe try removing and reinstalling my plugin?

Edit: the manifest is the json file right? Could you take a look in the file and see if it is corrupted or is obviously broken in some way?

2nd edit: I just deleted the plugin and let it redownload locally and that was fine, I think this supports the “something got corrupted during download” theory, so hopefully deleting and redownloading will fix the issue :crossed_fingers:


Thanks Dan. The problem is on my end. My hard drive is going bad, and occasionally corrupts portions of the file system. Your plugin was corrupted in a way that prevented the normal deletion of the old version. I manually fixed things and all is well (except for my damn hard drive!)


OK, as you may have guessed, a new version of the plugin has been pushed to the library. This update is the result of Januarys milestone. I would have made an announcement earlier but it took me quite a while to create this video :sleeping:


  • Purfenator
    • Skiff inside colour now has an Alpha channel
    • Active button now has a position control, and can be hidden
    • New Expander for Purfenator called Seizure Trigger
      • Allows full CV control over all Purfenator parameters
      • Its name is not a joke, I take no responsibility for any ill effects or melted PCs caused by over-modulation
      • Actually has a manual update on release :exploding_head:
      • Can be adjacent to Purfenator on right or left, right takes precedence

:sob: Sadly my Beta Test Team experiment hasn’t even got off the ground yet, I suppose it is not really that surprising since I only have 130 subscribers on YouTube, 246 followers on Instagram, and those are the only two socials I can stand to interact with…

I guess I’ll keep plugging it for a bit longer, maybe persistence will pay off at some point


Since I haven’t got a Beta Test Team yet, lets have a vote for February, what should I work on for my plugin? Please leave me a comment if you have any other ideas too :nerd_face:

  • Experimental distortion & feedback module
  • Girth, stereo enhancer & goniometer
  • The next Neon-oblique experiment
  • New features for an existing module
  • WAVULUV (Wavulike v2)
  • Yes - all the things!
0 voters

I always liked your Wavulike module for its versatility and ease of use, and I would appreciate having more VCOs with easy timbre morphing.

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