Dag2099's music video and streaming thread

Also I entered VCP-53 with a groovey little number:

I’m going to leave this syncing business behind for a while and try to finish something I bit groovier.

Well, hooray! Part 6 in my series of experiments with syncing is up and out:

So what happens if you sync your oscillator with Rings? And then put stereotypical techno drums on it? Syncer: 6 is what happens. I know I said that I’d take a break from syncing but this was there and nearly finished so I thought I’d get it out.

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I keep working on and then sort of forgetting more “dancey” pieces and then making a more minimalist piece in a couple of days and getting it finished. Like this one:

I guess it’s hard to let go of something you’ve been working on for a while. Also my computer has developed s distracting squeaking noise. It’s probably a fan (annoying) or my hearing (maddening) or the sound of birds coming down my chimney (weird) but if it’s my hard disk (worrying) then I might be in trouble.

Here’s a piece you could try dancing too:

Please, if you succeeded in dancing then report back?

Anyway, the theme that developed with this jam was less reverb on synths and more on drums. I can’t tell whether it sounds good or not but I kind of dig it.

I don’t know why I wanted to finish another piece today but here it is:

It started with me following this @Omri_Cohen tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7_U4Dgln-0). I took some elements of it and it just grew from there. Sometimes I think my drones are a bit “samey” but Energy just sounds so good.

I hope you find this relaxing.

I know what you’re thinking: “Another patch less than a week after your last one! Don’t work yourself into the ground dag2099!”. I’m trying to increase the rate at which I release videos so here we are. Anyway, this is an ambient piece with phasing but, special twist, there is a bernouli gate involved. And chords. Here:


I was messing about with AM synthesis (an idea that I hadn’t really internalised until recently) when I came upon this sweet riff. Months later I have a finished piece:

There are some audible glitches at the end and it’s driving me a bit nuts. I really don’t know what to do about it at this point. Other than that it’s okay. really I want to be doing stuff that’s a bit more “moody” sounding but what comes out is what comes out.

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Not really my kind of music but I love the amount of structure you got in that piece :slight_smile:

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Thx. It’s so long since I listened to that piece that I had to go back and listen again to know what it was. I did all those pieces so fast that I don’t really remember them.

Jesus, I need to get back too streaming so that I can force myself to do more work. In the meantime here is a small feedback piece with ambient characteristics.

I’m making a lot of pieces around the 8 minute mark but I’m beginning to think that it’s a bit long and that there is not sufficient variation to justify that length. Any opinions?

The amount for variation needed depends on how one listens to a piece, so I guess there aren’t wrong answers (only if you want to achieve a specific way of listening), more “static” tracks might work better as background music while doing other activities (where something with too much change would steal the listeners focus).

I find “quantizy” tracks to be a good fit for coding and what-not and I’d listen more actively to something that has more “concious” melody or dynamic structure.

For some reason my magic minute mark is either around 4 or 8 minutes.

Not a fan of the high rhythmic tone on this one, it maybe stands out too much but the rest is nice, love the washy synth in the background!


Not sure what a rhythmic tone is?

I mean the first channel in MixMaster

It’s a thing I do where I use the audio into a pitch to voltage module to set the pitch of the original module. You’d think it would just say the same but if you distort or filter the signal it changes the pitch.

This one took ages. I was expecting it to be hard to record but it went pretty quickly. Wonkily tuned '70s synths plus '80s drums equals this:

The kindest response to this piece is criticism.


Originally I use FM-OP in this phasing piece but then Kitchen Sink came out from @Squinky so I used that instead. It’s very much it’s own thing and it didn’t shriek quite as much as the original patch (though neither are as insane as Valley Dexter). Also we have some nice chorusing from RackWindows Chorus and, for reasons I’m still not clear on, I used Interstage to, uh, enhance the sound? In some way?

I’m not really happy with the color panels. I kind of wish that I’d changed the color key so that background didn’t show though quite so much. In these kinds of patch I use the panels to see when the clocks have cycled.

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Here we are again with more ambient phasing, this time with an undercurrent of delay feedback looping. Using @Squinky KitchenSink again. I guess the correct approach is to do the opposite of “everything but the kitchen sink” i.e. only the Kitcken Sink.

And, you know, it’s got a pretty interesting sound. Not quite a superset of FM-OP (that still has a place in my patches) but it does some of the same stuff and a few other things as well.

Also, I use the Fuzzy Logic from DHE a really interesting little module that more people should explore (maybe when @ablaut returns to the VCP we can have a “Fuzzy Logic” competition?) To simulate the breakage inherent in tape loops I’m trying to use RackWindows Tape but I overdid the breakage. Need to try that again, maybe with Distance.

Lastly, I got a certain amount of ear fatigue from this patch and i wonder if it’s something to do with the mix?

Anyway, Enjoy.



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The phasing is really nice.

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Am streaming for the first time in 8 months here. Catch it while it’s hot fellows:
