Dag2099's music video and streaming thread

More robot funk. This time featuring Vult Vessek, in my opinion an underused (and “gnarly”) oscillator. I also made use of that newish Mind Meld mixer and its very new add on eq. Is this a better mixed track? I don’t really know. Enjoy!

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While I’m posting in my thread i guess I should include links to my recent VCP entries. Starting with robot funk and, in later vids, moving into more ambient territory:

I really like that last one.

Anyway, I haven’t streamed in about a month but I will get back to it soon. Thanks for watching and listening.

edit: forgot vcp-46:

It’s an experiment in using Mother and Fuzzy Logic (a very underestimated module).


Last months VCP-50 inspired me to move in a more shoegaze guitar direction. Ideally I’d make something that was a cross between My Bloody Valentine and Portishead but that seems like too high a mountain to climb. Also, as a creative goal just flat out copying people seems weird. Nonetheless here is my attempt to make guitar textures without guitar and, sort of, trip hop style drums without samples or turntables:

Actual screeching noise starts at about 1:45.


how do you like the mindmeld mixer?

I can’t tell whether its an illusion but I think I’m mixing better with it. I’m definately getting carried away with the parametric EQ. Have you tried it?

One of those patches where I’m trying - and failing - to make sense of how the few oscillators I can spot can possibly be responsible for all those layers of sweet, sweet sound. Nice one!

(but if I may, I wish the hi-hat was waaay more in the distance)

I’m using polyphony. There are 3 non-percusion oscillators, 2 Geodesics Energies and 1 FM-OP. Remember that the cv in polyphonic modules is also polyphonic. All the sludgy “guitar” style noise is from 1 Energy being manipulated by a variety of cv.

I don’t usually use Trummor for hats and I’m still learning to mix. Also it’s hard to know what Youtube compression is going to do with everything.

Criticism is always welcome.

Thx for the comment.

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i like the mixer. still getting used to it. its great for multitrack recording (most of the time). i miss the british eq on the mschack mixer sometimes. its also super bulky and feels like overkill on small patches.

cool vibe! Cheers!

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What makes it british?

I think that’s just inevitable, though. It’s meant to be the overkill option.

What did you think of my tune?

its the eq with high mid and low filters. they are called british because they were on uk made mixing boards back in the day. i dont know why they are referred to in that manner but thats how the 3 eq things are usually called on stuff.

i like the tune. i dont understand the relation to those bands you talked about though.

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It’s a super enjoyable piece!

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VCP update:

Latest piece:

Starts droney gradually adds synth and drums.


Inspired by the conversations here about Morphing (Morphing Effects Processor module idea) and minimalism (https://community.vcvrack.com/t/ablaut-ambient-soundscape-recordings-patches/) here is a minimalist piece. With morphing.

The new Bogaudio filters came out a while ago and I wondered what I could do with the FFB if I mapped a quantussy ring to all the controls. The results were interesting (and may emerge later) but then I decided to try using Father & Sun to send different BPM LFOs to different knobs. Then, some time later, I discovered toms. I didn’t really know about them before. Toms, eh? What a drum. Anyway, time passed and I worked on it and now it’s techno or something.

Feedback is appreciated (I think it goes a bit wrong in the middle).

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More, sort of ambient, sort of minimalist, music. I mean, there is only one oscilator, that counts as minimalism right? Even if there’s a lot of noise it’s still minimalism? Surely? Anyway, here it is:

It’s more “trying to morph between 2 effects” but twice. Or something.

Like this one a lot :+1:

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I’ve been experimenting with sync. The cv has been sitting there mysteriously on several VCOs without any obvious way of tell how it works. I mean, yes, you can use another VCO to set the pitch of the synced VCO but how does it do it? My research indicates that all it does is reset the waveform of the tuned VCO every time the tuning VCO rises. This seemed like an abusable process to me so here we are.

Syncer 1:

Syncer 3:

But, where is syncer 2? It wasn’t that interesting and the recording I made did not meet my (low) standards. There is a No. 4 in the works. It’s pretty buzzy but not interesting enough yet.


Part 4 of the Syncer series:

There is a part five but, even though I like it, there are annoyoing popping sounds after I render it in Blender. This is not acceptable.

Anyway, this one is about syncing the Bogaudio XCO with their standard VCO. Why the XCO? Because it has a phase control, something that I can’t find on other oscillators. Setting the phase of your waveform actually matters a lot more when you’re syncing than it does normally. Then I started treating phase like it was pulse width and it had some really interesting effects.
