Dag2099's music video and streaming thread

Oh damn, I just randomly picked Day P to check out, and it is a really nice sounding piece of music!

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Thanks. Try the Psychedelic December 2019 Playlist. It’s around here somewhere.

Here’s Day R. Noise and beat (I’m feeling a bit sick right now):


Take good care of yourself. Great job sticking with your project! I’m excited to go through the whole playlist when you’re done.

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I can’t believe I’ve come this far. I did the daily streams last year but doing a video every day (particularly with the personal issues I’ve had) is tough.

Day S is more ambient stuff. Geodesics Energy is an amazing oscillator, maybe my favorite. Great for drones and “big” vibrating sounds.


Day T is a short funky jam. Really, for this to be a more full fledged piece it needs more elements.


I li-i-i-i-ike it! :clap::clap::clap:

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Day U is a phasing piece.

Day V attempts to get a Fundamental VCO to do phase distortion synthesis.

It didn’t work that well and i got a bit carried away with some FM experiments. Decent sounding thing though.

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Day W is the last day before I allow Psychedelic December to become really festive. So I just did some nice filmic, “soundtracky” type stuff.

I’ll be streaming for Day X (more popularly known as “Christmas Eve”) soon as well.

I decided to cave into the immense peer pressure and start to be a little bit festive. At first I was fairly sure I wouldn’t be able to make sleigh bells but then Plaits came through for me. Thanks Plaits. Here’s Day X.

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I went for a bit more of a calming ambient piece for Day Y, I just thought that it would help peaple after the frenetic pace of Christmas day. No sleighbells either.

Had to do this all the way through twice because of an audio glitch in the first recording.

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And so, my colleagues, we have reached the end of the roman alphabet, if not yet the end of Psychedelic December. Day Z is maybe a bit desperate. I’m tending to relay on the same structural approaches and getting a bit boring:

Tomorrow? Tomorrow is Day Upsilon and it will be “post festive”.

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I didn’t really even know there was a Greek letter called Upsilon but now I have a whole day named after it. At least by me anyway. Todays piece is an attempt to return to weirder ideas. I’ve use three jannekkers to control whether various channels are on or off.

I was sort of hoping that it might make an interesting pattern but I need to use different counts and less “dancy” compositional elements.

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Day Phi was an experiment in using counters to control lfos in a drone piece. I don’t think it worked but i present it here for reference purposes. There’s just not enough sense of movement,or, if there is, not enough variation in music.


It’s not a bad soundscape. Good foundation.

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This one was so much hassle I need a bit of a lie down rather than to type a load of stuff about it.

Now I’m going to do a variant on it for vcp.
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The penultimate recording of Psychedelic December:

Sarcastic robot funk.

And please remember I will be celebrating the official UK new year on my twitch channel (i’ll be starting at about 11:00 UK time):

Edit: okay, we’re going. Why not enjoy the rare opportunity of someone actually using Nysthi Timex?

edit 2: Okay, it’s done. I’m not streaming for a while. Here’s the highlight:

I’ll also be making a track out of this patch.

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I finished streaming for Psychedelic December a couple of days ago but I’ve only just got the last days video finished. It’s just some nice textures with a transition to sidechaining and dance at about the 1:40 mark. The transition is accompanied by my best ever Psychedelic backdrop! Be sure to check it out.

So that’s it for another year. It was hard going. I had a personal family issue about half way in and my shoulder has been feeling bad since September (though it is getting better). I think it could have been easier or produced better music if I hadn’t had any distractions, but that’s life. I won’t be doing any streams for a while but I will try to take part in VCP. Finally, here’s the complete 31 song playlist:

and, special bonus, the whole playlist in reverse!

See you for Psychedelic December 2020!

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