Dag2099's music video and streaming thread

Finished. Don’t know if anyone watched. If so, how were the levels?

Next time I stream I’ll be using a mic and trying to talk a bit more.

I just got in and watched the replay on Twitch - audio levels were ok for me :+1:

But your background graphics is another matter :wink:

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I made them for psychedelic December and haven’t updated them yet. You’re lucky that they weren’t vibrating.

Going live right now to build a bernoulli gate and a turing machine using only fundamental and core modules.

edit: Finished now.

Here is the Turing machine from Fundamental parts demo:


an interesting patch :+1:

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Streaming with the new Valley module Terrorform:

edit: finished

Interesting module with a very deep manual that you should try reading before (or at least during) using it.

This stream (i.e. making a bernoulli gate and Turing machine with fundamental components) is highlighted here now:

Streaming right now. Forming a track out of a loop:

edit: stream done. The first track I worked on will be on Youtube tomorrow unless I get uptight about it.

Here we go, a piece I did on the above stream that was going to be called In Texas Thunder (an Escape from New York reference) but I got cold feet so now it’s In Paris Storm:

The point here being to use the new Terrorform from @valley.audio. It’s an interesting module with a load of possibilities and I can imagine it getting a lot of use. I already have another piece lined up using it, this time with additional syncing action (and maybe even feeling). As for this piece, it’s got that vintage vibe to it. Not sure how I feel about the way things are coming out recently. Maybe too much of a vintage vibe?

Anyway, feedback is good, watching my stream is great.


The Master of “Lissajous scope” :wink: has come a long way since the first time I saw a stream. :slight_smile:

This is a lovely piece, nicely done. :+1:

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Lol. That new Omri Cohen scope gives looks a bit like confetti. I need to plug Nyshti phasor into it to see if I can get butterfly confetti.

edit: I’ve just tried it and the results are a bewildering panoply of flowerlike complexity.

I like the way you use a gate sequencer linked to the volume controls on the mixer to bring each channel in and out.

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Thx. I’ve been doing that as my main way of taking loops and making them into more song-like things. It’s a pretty good way of adding structure to a more conventional piece but it can be a bit frustrating when you want to move large chunks of structure around.

Sometimes I’ll use a gate attached to a switch to decide what rhythm patterns i want to send to a things. Currently I’l using it to do key changes in a piece as well.

New track here:

More business with Terrorform.

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Streaming now here:

I’m going to do a phasing patch and maybe try a kind of scuffed autotune kind of thing.

edit: Done. If anyone wants the autotune patch then I’ll stick it on patchstorage.

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Streaming again. Trying to finish off a piece of music:

These days I’m using a mic for some user interaction so why not join the “fun”?

edit: finished. Both the stream and the rtack I was working on. I’m not super happy with it but it’s okay.

Here’s the piece I was working on a couple of days ago on stream:

Not totally happy with it but it’s okay.

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It’s been a while since my last upload. I’ve been working but the general malaise surrounding 2020 has gotten to me a little but. Anyway, here is another ambient phazing piece. I think it’s pretty good but it may be that the extra reverb has spoiled it. What do you think?


my 2 cents: I listened to it on speakers and then more quickly on headphones (where reverb is usually more prominent imho) and I wouldn’t say there’s too much reverb.

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