A new rabbit hole (AI art & music)

Seriously, I feel like the weird ai bits add something in certain sujets.


It always reminds me of the pianist in this scene

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I came up with a new MJ game…

It works like this: find an interesting magazine, take one of the headlines from the front cover and use that as a bare prompt to see what cover MJ will create (note use the --ar 2:3 flag to make it magazine like)


/imagine 50 greatest moments in electric guitar history --ar 2:3


/imagine second-hand camera and lens combos that are out of this world --ar 2:3

The cameras all look like they’ve come from a sci-fi film set on mars.

…got to be the effect of out of this world

Check out this one, not exactly headlines, but I love the result

/imagine landscape, udo, marc doty, mystic circuits --ar 2:3


This is generated by BlueWillow… probably I had to copy it into the Pics Of Your Studio topic.

Arcimboldo dudes


So… someone is trying to monetise these AI synths

Alright, I’m curious about this bit here:


Because I absolutely can, virtually 100% ??

agreed, 99% of them are obvious

Virtual personas can definitely be convincing as real persons. Sure, for now, when primed to look for the ‘unreal’ next to the ‘real’, you might still have a quite high succesrate making the distinction. But it is to be expected that soon most of us won’t be able to make the distinction. Especially when not primed (like in daily life).

For a mere human, we are going towards uncertain times. What/who is real? What/who can we trust? All sorts of formerly “unique” identifying personal attributes that we base our trust upon can now be emulated. E.g. face, voice, communication style, choice of words etcetera. All these attributes are already subject to quite convincing emulation.

The (bank) fraud example below dates from 2020. Ancient history in the light of the exponentially growing AI functionality/capability (same goes for availability/access). It would be so much easier to do something like this these days (and in future) using the (then) current state-of-the-art AI.


I fear the (potential) downsides/risks of the current progress in AI more then all the obvious great upsides/benefits. Complexity and capability will be way beyond what a human can comprehend and control.

History has shown us many examples that in such circumstances we will move ‘foward’ regardless. Dealing with uninteded consequeces ‘later’ (if ever).

Let’s hope that at some point in the future, humankind will look back to current times and wonder about the many worries people had about AI ‘back-in-the-day’.

On the upside… Let’s enjoy these great tools, while we still can… :grin:


Fear not it is coming



Wow! Things have really progressed since I was playing around 6 years ago with the Yamaha Vocaloid and CyberDiva text to musical vocals tools.

Will be stressing as auto tune

So MJ v5 alpha is being tested and it claims:

Much wider stylistic range and more responsive to prompting

More detailed images. Details more likely to be correct. Less unwanted text.

This model can generate much more realistic imagery than anything we’ve released before.

So lets see what sweet new synths this can dream up


Ha ha… synth dating, meet the <man/woman/non-binary> of your dreams and twiddle knobs together!

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Am i the only one who liked how messed up and distorted the old images were?


It definitely had its charm, but you can still go back to those models, just use the --v param Midjourney Model Versions

IMO MidJourney needs to keep pushing forward with updates, AI is moving so fast at the moment, if you don’t keep up, you will be left behind.

I have found my magic words, I just add detailed illustration 70s to the start of my prompts and I get great stuff like this:


Fib-bonacci’s extra 3 fingers

The 4th one is apparently a “Mother, Jugs and Speed” sequel where they gave up being EMT’s to work in a university machine room.