WT VCO user wavetables

Hello, after loading a wavetable file everything works, but saving it as preset and trying to re-call results in empty waveform on the display. Where should be the default location for user wavetable files?

Your input is much appreciated


I just had a look with sysinternals process monitor on Windows 11.

Loading a WT VCO preset doesn’t seem to re-load the wavefile - only the .vcvm preset file.

It’s probably a bug.

this was in Assymetric-Tri.vcvm
  "plugin": "Fundamental",
  "model": "VCO2",
  "version": "2.0.0",
  "params": [
      "value": 0.0,
      "id": 0
      "value": 0.0,
      "id": 1
      "value": 0.0,
      "id": 2
      "value": 0.51445788145065308,
      "id": 3
      "value": 0.0,
      "id": 4
      "value": 0.0,
      "id": 5
      "value": 0.0,
      "id": 6
  "data": {
    "waveLen": 2048,
    "filename": "tri_2048_32f.wav"

I tried placing the .wav file in various locations before pulling out process monitor - but no success - I always got the default wav - but with the number of wavepoints I specified in the preset.

%userprofile%\Documents\Rack2\patches (the location of my patch)


I have reported the issue here: WT VCO does not load wav set in user preset · Issue #137 · VCVRack/Fundamental · GitHub


I logged a bug that setting the number of sample is wonky.

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