What is "Machine ID"?

I went to download some license keys. The web site ask for my “machine ID”. What is that? In my window about box there is a Device Name, a Device ID, and a Product ID. Which one is my “machine ID” that VCV wants?

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Product ID is the same as Machine ID

AFAIK none of the ID’s available in the Windows OS matches the “machine ID” used by VCV.

The machineID is computed by VCV, and is shown, if a premium module is loaded and for some reason rack cant get in touch with the VCV rack server api server. I don’t know of any other method to display the “Machine ID” in VCV than removing the .vcvkey file(s) and runnign rack withtout an internet-connection (block in firewall).

the .vcvkey files in Documents\Rack2\licenses contain the ID - but they only get created upon sucessfully starting rack pro or a premium module install + API server transaction.

old thread describing this

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If you have a new computer, you are instructed to enter your machine ID. I have a new computer, and would like to enter my machine ID. But I don’t know what it its. It sounds like I must get my old computer and configure a proxy to disable access to their server, or find keys on my old computers?

Just install rack on the new computer I guess.

if you can log in to your vcv account, no problem, you get new vcvkeys - if you have no net access on the new computer, it shows a MachineID, that you manually enter here: VCV - Register / Log in to get vcvkeys you copy to the new computer.

The keys are nodelocked to machineID, can’t be transfered.

ah, ok, now I get it. And for VCV Pro you download it and see if you can log in?

Look in the log.txt file, search for “Requesting download https://api.vcvrack.com…” in the file, you’ll see machineid in the URL.