What are you Watching? (Educational)

@AlliewayAudio also has great videos on Orca !


Pink Floyd’s quad PA

Quad panners

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Now that explains things


I lijked this video very much, but now I’m confused. I heard a number of times that Yamaha doesn’t use FM-synthesis but it uses phase-modulation. Does anybody know what is really going on?

Here’s a good explanation of that from Jakub Ciupinski on youtube

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Yes, thank you, I know this video and it perfectly illustrates the confusion. But if Yamaha indeed uses phase-modulation, why are they once again associated with John Chowning in the video above?

The one and only Alan Parsons, in good hands with Rick Beato:

Apart from being famous for the stellar sound of Dark Side Of The Moon, the Alan Parsons Project records are a study in recording perfection, and especially the earlier ones, of musical joy, innovation and creativity. Great stuff!

I’ll just leave this here at the end…


Possibly not that educational, but I really enjoyed this video


Pyramid has recently been given the super deluxe treatment

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Me too :star_struck:. Really interesting. Thank you. Alain

Another cool presentation about a classic from Captain Pikant


This video is generally interesting, most of it is unremarkable if you have been working with synths and audio for awhile, but this specific part that really got me is where the audio that is playing is constant but I literally hear it differently depending on which side of the video I am looking at bear / fair !!!


Software development wisdom. I’m a recent convert to test-driven development, and this guy has a lot of interesting things to say on TDD and continuous integration. Here he summarizes 40 years of experience in a single video.

There’s also this thing I wrote a few years ago about FM vs. PM. Demo/docs/fm.md at main · squinkylabs/Demo · GitHub

My guess is that even thought Yamaha used mostly PM, that it’s covered by the same patent? It’s PM and FM are pretty much the same thing?

In any case they sound very much alike. A funny thing is that when Casio introduced their pm-synthesizers, it was found remarkable that they sounded exactly like Yamaha’s fm-synths.

Weren’t the Casios phase distortion? That is different from FM.

With this discussion of PM and FM, some may be interested in the latest Mylar Melodies podcast where Alex talks to Matthew Allum. Both of them are real connoisseurs of FM synths, and know the different Yamahas, but Matthew is, of course, the creator the great Akemie’s Castle, which has ruled the roost of 4 operator Eurorack FM until recently, with RYK’s Vector Wave and Algo. Matthew is also the creator of the recent highly rated Cizzle module, Casio-based PD.

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Yes, you are right. It’s just that I don’t fully understand the difference. By the way, that is a very impressive and useful set of documentation that you have there.

If you read the manual for either of the phase distortion modules in VCV, (ALM Cizzle or Warp Core) they both explain it very well. Basically, you digitise a sine wave into a set of values, and if you read those values back at a linear rate, it reproduces the original waveform. The phase distortion part refers to distorting the phase of the lookup, which produces new waveforms. Phase modulation is just changing the phase of an oscillator at audio rate, instead of the frequency which somehow ends up sounding the same. I’ve forgotten how that works, need to read Squinky’s paper again!

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yeah, that sounds right. And I will say for the 100th time that “phase distortion” has really nothing to do with FM. It’s “just” waveshaping.