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Maybe some rubber bands or popsicle sticks?

There is a elastic band on there, a thin one, so maybe try a thicker one, Lolly sticks might be interesting or metal strips-a fork or knife?. There is a tine holder on one side that has plastic strips in it. It should sound deeper when the piezos are added.

I have purchased a mini guitar reverb pedal but there was no power supply with it [is that normal way to sell them?]

I donā€™t know anything about guitar pedals, but Iā€™m sure someone else here does.

Virtual modular probably uses them, see if he knows about them. Just seen a power supply and strip for Ā£20.99 on Reverb,com from China, So may end up ordering that.

This looks interesting

Like the ball bearing rolling effect reminds me of ā€˜the Shoutā€™ film with the marbles on a metal tray by the sound designer in the film.

LeafAudio Microphonic Playground Jam - YouTube

Pretty normal to get no power supply, itā€™s kinda assumed you will use a pedal type multi-supply or a daisy chained supply. The stuff that has more exotic needs, like 12v or lots of amp/current is more likely to come with a supply.

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Yes, much more normal to not come with one than with them. I started to type an explanation of how to get the right power supply, but easier to just read thisā€¦

Nice article, but it predates the Cioks DC7 power supply, which is becoming the new standard over Voodoo Labs for all sorts of reasonsā€“quality, output, modularity w/other Cioks, and the fact that you can switch voltages for all outputs, which is extremely convenient. Also, for pedals that can tolerate it (typically analog gain pedals) itā€™s like having up to four pedals in one with very different drive/response characteristics. Obviously be careful and donā€™t overvolt anything youā€™re not sure can handle it.

tbh I mainly use cheap pedals from Behringer and Boss and they can mostly be run off a 9v 1 Amp daisychained PSU for a tenner.

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Absolutely valid choice! Just noting that the article is about preparing a board for tour and lots of gigging guitarists/bassists I know and know of are moving to Cioks. Not sure what meets OPā€™s needs better.

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Thanks for the replies. I have purchased a new 9v 500ma charger from eBay effectpedals shop and hopefully this should meet my requirements.

Next question any idea how much a small guitar amp is and the cable from pedal to amp would be? The electrical side of the noisebox looks like it going to be the most expensive! Iā€™m in the UK btw.

Does Vox still make the little Pathfinder 15r? That one sounds nice and is usually around a hundred usd. A tube amp will be a bigger investment, but there are a few bargains in solid state gtr amps. A cable is $10-20. Hope you have fun with this project.

See what I can get together. There are mini guitar amps for Ā£20 on eBay and they come with the 9v Cable but need a 9v battery-[not expensive], might try one of those. Will try upload video when it all comes together.

If you are looking at tube/valve amps then unless you are lucky enough to live in a detached house miles from neighbours try and get one that has switchable output down to 1W or less. I live in a terrace house and I couldnā€™t risk turning my 15W valve amp above 3 on the master volume without seriously peeing off the neighbours.

If youā€™re happy enough to listen on headphones Iā€™d look at the Orange Micro Terror amp head for around Ā£100 and a decent 3m 1/4ā€ male to male lead should only cost around a tenner.

Well Iā€™ll just be using the amp on my Noisebox during the day, so I have just bought a Glarry guitar amp from Slough for 25 quid that will do for my purpose I think. Thanks for the advice though.

Further developments I have got all the bits together for the Noisebox, just got to add the Piezo mics to the inside of the box.

But here is some audio I recorded using an Hohner Melodica some drum toys through a mic, radio and tape inside the box. They are going through a M-Vave mini reverb pedal and then recorded from the guitar amp.

Stream Noisebox Combo Suite by Adrian Bottomley | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

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I donā€™t know how I found this channel, but I really like it.

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Bit of an embedded ad for RipX, but quite interesting hearing how the different scales twist the chords and melody of a very familiar tune