What are you Watching? (Educational)

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the most ancient known music


Can’t wait to see this module! :slight_smile:

Hi. I came across this youtuber Woochia’s Beats & Bobs who has a nice series of playlists for sound design as well as music theory. Well presented and kind of easy to reverse engineer into VCVRack.

He also covers other gear but includes some videos on VCVRack as well.

There’s also a newer video where he recommends 6 other youtubers for music stuff.


This was a fun hour of memories for me last evening. Probably few around the world outside of the USA and Texas are familiar with the Texas “outlaw” rock and country-rock scene and the Public Broadcasting System “Austin City Limits” show. All of these people in this Joe Ely inductions into the Austin City Limits Hall of Fame episode are from my home town and were my acquaintances back in the 70s. We all partied at “The Cotton Club”, a strange mixture of outlaw cowboys and hippies in the day.

I remember when my friend wrote some of the songs featured on this show.

I wish I could post the link to the entire 1 hour episode, but I can’t.

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As I have mentioned before, Buddy Holly was also from my home town and influenced us all, including The Beatles who took their name from their idol Buddy Holly’s group The Crickets. Buddy died when I was 7, in 1959. Our old cemetery has the grave of Buddy Holly and many of the world’s rockers have paid a visit and left guitar picks on grave in honor of Buddy.


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Well, I suppose this best belongs in this topic…

If anyone missed the near conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in the western evening sky last night, here is a frame grab from my Unity game engine earth and sky simulation that I created several years back. All I had to do was set the date and time to yesterday just after sunset and in conjunction with my location latitude and longitude, the simulations shows all naked eye visible celestial objects in their correct sky position for that date and time and location. The 6000 naked eye visible stars and planets are rendered at approximately the correct magnitude and color. It can’t be seen in the screen grab but the Milky Way is correctly rendered based on a panoramic actual image of the Milky Way wrapped around the earth on a band. Also not seen is the moon in its correct phase and orientation relative to the sun. The moon phase is rendered dynamically via spherical shading of an image of the full moon.

I’m pretty proud of this simulation that has its roots in my game engine development days of 20 years ago. VR is also supported in my Unity game engine simulation, for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive Pro headsets. You cannot see, but in the simulation there is a thunderstorm on the horizon with cloud dynamics and lightning simulations performed via massively parallel computation on the GPU. All of the characters in the simulation have some degree of A.I. and can interact with the viewer, including making eye contact if the the viewer looks at them. Fun days!


Here is a frame grab of me flying over one of the NPCs in the scene and she moves her head and eyes to follow me. Something is wrong with her eyelashes, it looks like.

I was at the pinnacle of my 3D career at that time, including the realtime animation and rendering of very realistic characters that included postural fidgeting, eye blinks and breathing.

Oh, this is the old familiar eyeliner thickness is function of calendar year problem. :neutral_face:

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put it down to youthful eye jinx

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All fun aside, this is an transparency alpha blending issue on the eyelash textures. Something changed over recent years in the Unity game engine. I’ve solved this problem multiple times. For now, I am just staying fixed at a 2 year old version of Unity and the API as I do not have the stamina to redo all of work with each major release of Unity. I used to fight the same problems with Microsoft DirectX in my game engine.

Watched this episode of Tomorrow’s World when it first aired and it blew my tiny mind. And now you can do way more than a Fairlight with the cheapest smartphone.


It is surprising how much misinformation there is on the web regarding the closest approach of the Venus/Jupiter conjunction and how close they appear. When I looked last evening from the central US time zone, my old eyes could not resolve the two planets separation. When I ran my simulation for the same time and place, the simulation showed just what my eyes showed, except I could resolve the two planets on my monitor since my poor distance night-vision was not an issue.

By the way, the simulation has an embedded mathematical planets ephemeris and the date and time are based on the Julian calendar. This allows me to view the night sky at any point in human history, more or less.

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QasarBeach is a complete recreation of the Fairlight CMI IIx that runs on Linux, macOS & Windows.

It includes all the features of the original Fairlight CMI, including 16 stereo voices, full voice editing and realtime control, harmonic additive synthesis and the Page R sequencer. QasarBeach includes file support for Fairlight Series I, II, IIx, III samples, including all loop points, filter settings, etc.

The latest release, v1.25, was released June 28, 2020, and includes a wide range of fixes and additions. See below for details.

Pricing and Availability

QasarBeach is available for Linux, macOS & Windows as donationware.


Peter Vogel CMI

lol, yeah exactly.

Meanwhile, the visual equivalent of Shepherd Tones…

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