What are you listening to?


Chaircrusher made me do it :

Love the first two albums.

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I sold a large bunch of my CDs once and just had a severe fit of anxiety over possibly having sold this album, too. And checked: I didn’t, phew! Still right next to Jar of Flies and Sap :slight_smile:

Definitely one of the best bands of the 90s.

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I sold 1700 LPs not that long ago. Lots of stuff not there when I think of it…

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When I last moved about five years ago I’d boxed all my CDs and just before the move my Linn amp died and as a short term solution until I had funds to replace it I just started playing music through my PC and my monitors. Never felt the need to go back so consequently there are 1000+ CDs still in boxes in my spare room. I know I should deal with them, but as they will have cost me on average about £10 each to buy it’s heartbreaking to know they’re now next to worthless and I can’t be bothered dealing with all the headaches that come from selling them on. Especially as I no longer even have a CD player anywhere to test they still play OK. At some point when the Oxfam charity shop down the road reopens after lockdown I may just dump them there, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t want them either.

Back on topic, watched the Aretha Franklin Amazing Grace movie last night and this has been rattling round my head since

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https://youtu.be/M-3qVqM4VBM Whitehouse. Total Sex is my fav album of theirs.

Power Electronics are what first attracted me to synths as more than just dressing, and the power that modular gives you. I mean you can manipulate waves, which along with grains are some of the most basic building blocks of the universe. Those same waves at the right frequency and pitch can produce color, or ultrasound a womb, or even cause cancer or topple a bridge or skyscraper. I mean, as an atheist, I can think of nothing more “spiritual” than making long functions with those waves and then scoping and listening to them. Fascinating.

Its hard to be this positive without annoying me but they sure pulled it off:


Oh, yeah, she’s good.


in a Satie mood:


In a Neue Deutsche Welle mood



5 years tomorrow, RIP Dave

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Nice to see a few “doom” fans here.