What are you listening to?

Electrons Libres is an ongoing French radio stream on hearthis.at that I occasionally listen to

And I’ve also had lot’s of listens and views of State Azures music. I love his modular eurorack work.

Oh yeah and I keep taking listens to the new Richard Devine, also. He’s always trying new things.

Oh and the Cercle… some great stuff on it

The previous message I posted is a list of the stuff I stay current on. Tonight I signed up for Qobuz hi res streaming and downloaded the demo of HQPlayer 5 and setup the streaming MAN is it real good. I’m listening to the White Lotus HBO TV series soundtrack streaming through HQPlayer now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgLvyFcRqPc Great music for a night owl. For some reason the link isn’t embedding right.

Often you need you put the link on a separate line to get it to expand.

My new guitar hero, Mdou Moctar.

I particularly like the bits at 0:35 (when he cranks it up a notch) and at 3:05.


The Nige turns it up to 11.

I never noticed it before but I think he’s playing a 5-stringed instrument there. It must be to give him the range of a viola plus violin.


Great stuff!

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Saw sunn O))) yesterday ( :heart_eyes:) (in Berlin’s fabled Berghain) and this was their support act, which I’m listening to right now, Kali Malone

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And your ears survived? Are you sure…? :slight_smile: Love Kali Malone.

What? Nah, earprotection, booring, but there was enough to feel :smiley:


Nils frahm - All melody Electronic music generally

My wife and I saw Boris a few years ago. I thought it would be insanely loud, but it was only normal loud.


Didn’t know I was a techno rap fan (or whatever the hell this is), but apparently I am. What a banger!

That reminds me, Cat Power just put out a recording of Dylan songs she covered, I saw one of the videos from a show she did in Sydney and seemed really fantastic. Or I think it’s still in pre-order phase, but she’s promoting it and has a single up.

I’m still kicking myself for having a ticket to see her in 2019 or so after I hadn’t seen her for years, and then I forgot all about it and missed the show. Seems like she’s in a nice stable mental space these days. And still sounds awesome.

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Woahh, jealous, I saw they were touring and I can’t make it to any of their shows! :weary:

Right? The lore surrounding their gigs made me expect more in terms of pure sound pressure :smiley:

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Ooh, nice!! Didn’t expect to be reflecting on past shows again tonight, but I saw Mdou in Oakland a year or two back, it was great. He was touring with the support of Sahel Sounds out of Portland, Oregon, which has a kind of fun origin story if I’m remembering correctly about trading cell phone music with people in western africa. Plus they were the label that launched Les Filles de Illighadad, who I really enjoyed getting to hear.

Around 2018, I drove some three hours on the spur of the moment after hearing that Vieux Farka Toure was playing that night, and it was absolutely worth it. It was some sort of multiple day guitar festival by Lake Tahoe in California, and people were camping there with their families, my favorite memory was that, in the middle of one of his songs, Vieux spotted a couple of young kids who were crowding up to the front of the stage and just crouched down by them and seamlessly transitioned into his own shredded version of Frere Jacques, just to try to get a smile out of them. I thought it was a really lovely gesture, and quite virtuosic to slip it in without breaking any of the other rhythms of the song, and then transitioning back afterwards.

But it seemed like that was one of the highlights of the show for him, to get to see kids there dancing to the music along with everyone else.

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Happy coincidence, because I wouldn’t have been there if not for the other concert, the day before:

(out of frame, on the left, my happily screaming 12yo enjoying her birthday present)

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