Thanks for posting this, now… I’m off on a trek to weird messed up music-Twisted Records indeed! Shpongle and other artists huzzah!!!
Yep that deserves further investigation … I love a bit of dub
When I first heard their debut album probably 20+ years ago now I was convinced Electric Soft Parade were going to be one of the biggest bands in the world. I’m playing the long game.
Still a bloody good pop album though.
Berlin – A Tribute Album for Mark Shreeve. All proceeds go to cancer research.
RIP Mark. If you love classic Tangerine Dream you’re sure to love Redshift and Mark Shreeve. The above is a really nice tribute album, thanks for sharing Paul. For those who want to know more, this is a very nice article:
'94 Demo tracks for Mad Professor v Massive Attack’s ‘No Protection’
Some ambient stuff written in CSound:
Three days of live music at Sappyfest 18
I’m thinking the trick-or-treaters maybe just skip his house.